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Scarlett's Pov

I came to set today happy that I would be seeing my two closest friends. Chris Evans and Elizabeth Olsen. I haven't seen them since the last movie we filmed togethers interviews ended, which was about a year ago now.

I was in my trailer getting ready to leave to talk to some of the cast but I heard Lizzie's voice outside my trailer talking to somebody. It's not a familiar voice though, it's kind of young but also mature. They were laughing, I heard their footsteps walking around outside.

"I thought you and Dad didn't let me come to set when it was a movie she was in?" The younger voice questioned. Why would they not be able to come to the set when I was here? What did I do?

"Baby, let's go the other way." Lizzie intervened. What does Lizzie have to do with this? Who was she calling baby? I ignored it and just stayed in my trailer until it was time for filming.

Eventually, Lizzie and Chris showed up together seeming to be having a serious conversation. "She asked to stay with me for the week so you can have a break. But I can always stay at yours if you want her to stay at home." Lizzie told Chris. "Hey guys." I smiled and walked towards them, they quieted their conversation as I made my way towards them.

"What's going on?" I asked, trying to catch up with the two. Chris and I have drifted apart ever since him and Savannah to focus on my career. Hopefully, we can become close again, same with Savannah.

"Oh nothing, just discussing some arrangements." Lizzie brushed off my questions, gesturing to Chris with her eyes. Chris looked at his phone and excused himself. I really want to know what's going on.

"Hey Liz, maybe we can go somewhere and catch up after we practice our lines?" I asked, hopeful. Everytime I try to make plans with Liz she always says she has to check her schedule or ask Chris. I don't know what Chris has to do with any of the plans we make.

"I actually might have time tomorrow morning before we have to film." She says I'm actually excited I haven't hung out with Liz outside of work in years. She always seems so busy. Soon, the directors walked in and we had to run through our lines.

Finally, after a few hours of going over thousands of lines we took a recess for lunch. I spotted Chris and Liz at the hot foods section. I was watching tem, they were having a hushed conversation.

"You know, watching them won't make you guys close again." A voice whispered in my ear. I turned to see Renner standing next to me smirking, I swatted his arm and glared at him. Why does he feel the must to bother me? Lizzie walked away, taking a plate of food with her, Chris turned and his eyes landed on Renner and I.

"Hey Jeremy. Hey Scar." Chris greeted as he stood next to Renner though, his focus was on his phone. He turned his phone off and gave us his attention.

"How's Colin?" Renner asked, Chris hummed and pointed to Renner, peaking interest in his question. "Um, he's good. He's away filming so Rose is with her dad and Cosmo is with my mom." I nodded, Chris was about to start talking but got a message on his phone. I glanced down and saw a group chat named 'The 3 Stooges' there was a text from Savannah and Lizzie. He quickly replied and exited the messages app. Revealing a home screen of Chris, Lizzie, and what I'm guessing to be Savannah.

I couldn't see her face because Chris excused himself and walked away. I wish I was in the groupchat and had a good bond with Chris and Savannah.

No Scarlett, you can't be upset. You left the both of them on your own terms, nothing forced you. We were done for the day and Chris was walking to his trailer. I caught up with him and realized it was not just him but Lizzie too.

"Hey Chris...Liz? What are you guys going to do?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. This was new. Chris and Lizzie have always been close but never them going into each other's trailers alone.

"I'm going to grab some things I left in his trailer this morning then I'm heading home. Have an early morning." Lizzie explained shortly, I hummed, happy with her answer. I looked at Chris, he's a little too quiet.

"Chris, you're awfully quiet." I pointed out, his eyes got wide and he looked up. "Oh sorry, just a lot on my mind. Well, it was nice seeing you, Scar. Lizzie let's grab your stuff and go." Chris hurried up and said before ushering Liz into his trailer.

That was weird. Whatever, it's Chris and Lizzie. They clearly have something going on, I paid it no more thought before going to my trailer to pack my things together. I was packing my things when my phone started ringing.


I pressed accept knowing it was Rose calling from her father's phone. "Hi Mommy!" My sweet little girl squealed as I answered the phone. "Hi Rosie. Are you having fun with dad?" I asked just as excited as her.

"Yeah, Daddy said tomorrow he's gonna fly with me back home and he said maybe you will take me to set with you!" She rambled excitedly. Rose loves coming to set, I know she'll be happy that her uncle Chris is in the movie with me.

I continued my conversation with Rose for maybe 15 minutes before I decided I should head home. On my way to my car I saw Chris and Lizzie on the opposite sides of a 5 '2 maybe, blonde haired girl. They were laughing and joking together like a perfect family.

I walked to my car and drove home. Once I walked in the door I was greeted with my wonderful husband and smiling baby. Cosmo is a very moody baby. Sometimes he's smiling and laughing but mostly he's crying or pouting. So, this is the perfect way to come home after a very long day at work.

"How was work?" Colin asked, following me to the living room with Cosmo in his arms as I kicked off my shoes and sat on the couch. "It was fine. I saw Chris and Lizzie. I think I saw Savannah today too." I answered, he nodded as I spoke to show he was listening.

"That's good I know you don't really get to hang out with Chris and Lizzie as much as you used to. Seeing Savannah must have been nice." Colin replied, we continued talking until we got tired and decided to go to bed.

Cosmo fell asleep pretty easily so I laid him in his bed, got changed, and laid in the bed. Colin walked in the bedroom looking at his phone. "Have you seen what Chris posted?" Colin asked, I shook my head. I don't have a professional social media account because I like to keep private but I did look.

Chris posted a video of him, Lizzie, and Savannah practicing softball, captioned 'My girls practicing for the upcoming season.'  I didn't even know Savannah played softball.

I knew I was going to miss out once I left but I never thought about how much I would.

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