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Savannah's Pov:

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Today's the day. The day I leave Mom and Dad to stay with Scarlett, they've pushed the date back as far as they could since I wasn't ready before.

I'm ready now, at least I think I am. Even if I'm not, I can always ask to go home or MK and Ash will get me. "It's time, are you sure you want to do this? If you don't want to then you don't have to. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything." Mom started rambling, her freaking out was going to freak me out.

I can't freak out.

"Mom, it's fine. If I didn't want to do this I wouldn't have agreed. I trust you when you say this may be good for me." I attempted to calm her down which surprisingly worked. She let out a deep breath, "Okay, if you need anything you can always call but MK and Ashley are always the closest on stand-by if you need to be rescued from the black widow." She joked at the end, causing us both to let out a short laugh.

Dad stayed behind at home because it was so hot outside his eyes were gonna sweat when he said bye, but we all know how emotional that man is,so I said bye to him before Mom and I left the house. Mom can be an emotional wreck sometimes too but with this I knew she wasn't gonna be that bad.

We were sitting in the car outside Scarlett's house, waiting for the perfect time to go in. Mom and Dad were either gonna say bye at the airport and Scarlett would pick me up or I would just get dropped off at Scarlett's house. Obviously I chose to get dropped off at Scarlett's, paparazzi would have a field day with me crying at the airport as I leave with Scarlett Johansson.

That would not be a fun story to have to explain to everyone. But, I'm here. I guess that's all that matters to them.

Mom knocked on the door, leaving us both to patiently wait for someone to open the door. Soon enough the door opened, being opened by none other than Scarlett. "Hey guys! Come on in, make yourself at home." She greeted us happily, moving to the side for mom and I to enter.

"Sorry, Scar. I can't stay for long, Chris and I have to leave for the airport in around an hour. I just had to make sure Sav was settled before I left." Mom explained, leading Scarlett's smile to shortly falter. "Oh yeah, that's totally fine. I can just show you and Sav to her then you can be on your way, if that's okay?" She quickly recovered.

Scarlett said nothing else and led both mom and I to my room. I'm impressed, the walls are an off-white with everything else having navy blue accents. "I hope you like it." Scarlett chuckled nervously, I didn't say anything, continuing to look around until I received an elbow from mom.

"Sorry, yes. I love it, thank you." I told her which visibly calmed her nerves. As I look around I can't help but realize the easy ways to leave without anyone noticing. There's plenty of windows in my bedroom, bathroom, and also the closet. Being here may not be as bad as I thought it would be.

I must've been zoned out for a good amount of time because by the time I zoned back in, Mom was starting to leave. "Once again, thank you Scarlett. If there's any problems please do not hesitate to call Chris or I. The twins will also be here if you need anything. And you, please behave and stay safe. I love you, bye." Mom thanked and quickly rushed out as she was late to pick dad up to head to the airport.

"So, what would you like to do?" Scarlett awkwardly turned towards me. This will be my 13th reason, what do I do with a woman that I haven't seen for years that knows nothing about me, who I also know nothing about? Help me.

"Um, I need to go over some softball highlights for my next game in 2 days." I told her, hoping that would get her to leave. "Oh, that's cool. Can I stay and you can teach me about it?" She hopefully asked, I didn't know what to say. Do I say no or do I just let her stay?

"You can stay and I can teach you, I guess." I mumbled and shrugged. From the corner of my eye I saw her silently celebrating as she sat down next to me on the bed. I wanted to laugh but I felt like it was wrong to laugh with her. She wasn't the woman that helped me throughout my life, she wasn't the woman I got to bond with and have a relationship with, I wasn't the daughter she wanted. Rose is and was everything she wanted.

I'm starting to hate thinking that way. It's like my heart wants to bond with her and have a relationship with her but my brain tells me the opposite. I guess I was zoned out for a while because by the time I realized all I saw was Scarlett's hand waving around in my face."Savannah, are you okay?" She looked at me worriedly, I said nothing but gave her a tight lipped smile and pulled up some of my softball clips so I can take notes of the things I should and shouldn't do again.

"I have no clue how any of this works. What position do you play?" She asked, looking very lost yet determined to figure it out. "So basically, I play pitcher. Sometimes other positions depending on if we have all of our players." I told her in which she nodded, "So what does a pitcher do?" She questioned, trying to concentrate on what I'm doing in the clip but also look at me to ensure she's listening.

"In this clip I'm playing pitcher so basically I'm trying to throw the ball to the catcher, my teammate to strike out the batter or stop them from getting to the bases." I explained to which she nodded in understanding.

We spent around an hour watching some of my softball clips until my reminder went off on my phone and a message from mom reminding me to take my pills, which I quickly tried to click away before Scarlett saw it. I got up from the bed to grab my pills along with my water bottle. Scarlett hasn't said anything about the message from mom or the reminder so I'm guessing she didn't see it.

"Um, you must be hungry. Are you hungry? I'm gonna go make dinner, what do you want for dinner? Do you like chicken alfredo? You're not allergic, are you?" She rapidly questioned, grabbing her phone as she back peddled out of the room. "No, I'm not allergic." I told her, earning a nod from her as she practically ran out of my room.

That was weird.

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