(1)♡ There's A Pounding In My Head♡

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Minho's pov:

"Lee Minho, get your ass out of bed right now!" A male voice yelled through the closed door.

"Mmm, shut up, I'm trying to sleep,"

"Oh, so is that what I'm gonna say to the professor when you don't turn up for her lecture?" He replied.

"I don't fucking care what she says, just tell her I'm ill today. Please changbin, I can't deal with it right now, "

"Fine, I'll cover for you today but you owe me big time," came the voice from the other side of the door, "I'm heading out now, text me if there's anything I can get you on my way back from class. Cya!"

"Thanks, bye shorty. " I shouted weakly before slumping back into the warmth of my bed. My head was pounding so bad it felt like it could explode any second and suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my lower back, and I groaned in agony.

I glanced at the clock on my bedside table; 9am. I could rest for another 3 hours and still have plenty of time to get washed, dressed, and eat before making my way to my part-time job and possibly still be able to stop off at my favourite place on the way there. Perfect. I set my alarm for 12 am and slowly lowered myself back onto my bed and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

"Hey handsome, wanna have some fun together?" Someone slurred in my ear, "we can take it somewhere a bit more private if you want"

I could feel their warm breath in my ear and seeping down my neck. His curly hair partly covered his face and I was far too drunk and horny to care who I was speaking to. He was also clearly as drunk, possibly even more drunk, than me so without a second though I pulled him roughly by his neck.

I smashed my lips onto his in a messy and desperate kiss, my hands roaming his body and ending up around his slim (j)aist .
"Like what you feel hm baby?" He asked in a low voice, breaking our kiss and moving down to my neck. I threw back my head as I felt his soft lips sucking on my neck, his teeth biting down on my delicate skin and his wet tongue licking the spots he had marked.

I moaned softly as his hands explored my chest, sliding under my shirt and grazing over-

A loud beeping sound shook me awake and I sat up in bed, startled. I whined slightly as I realised all that was just a dream, but something about it felt so real, so familiar...

I smacked my alarm without looking at it and threw on some grey sweatpants and a white tank top I found on my floor. I realised that I had been completely naked in my bed and couldn't think why. Now that I thought about it, I couldn't even remember anything about last night, the last clear memory I had is getting ready to go to some sort of party.

I told myself to not think too much of it as a I opened my room door and slowly stumbled into the living area of my shared dorm. I made my way over to the kitchen to make some hangover soup when I noticed a full bowl on the kitchen island with a note beside it.

Eat this, it will help with the headache
I left some pills in your room for the other
pain. Make sure you take them and drink
plenty of water :)

I stared blankly at the note. Who on earth wrote this? I then remembered how concerned changbin had seemed this morning so I guessed it was him and made a mental note to thank him later.

I slurped the soup and drunk a few glasses of water with the pills before going back to my room to get ready. I took a nice long, hot shower and took my time getting washed and dried. As I walked back into my room I suddenly saw the time on the clock. 2:45pm.
"SHIT" I yelled, quickly grabbing some clothes out of my wardrobe and throwing them on. I snatched my phone from the table, got my leather jacket and keys from the hook, and slipped hurriedly into my shoes. I sprinted out the door, still struggling with my jacket as I took the stairs, 3 at a time, to the bottom floor.

I ran out the door of the apartment block and rushed to where I parked my bike, snatching the helmet from the handle and tugging it over my head. I reved the engine and backed it out of the car park, going full speed to the garage I worked at. I parked my bike not far from the building and threw my helmet on the bike seat as I dismounted it and ran full speed to the garage.

As I approached the entrance, someone hurried past me in the opposite direction. We collided with each other and as I turned to apologize our eyes met and all of last night came flooding back to me.


First part! I'm really exited for this story, I have a lot of ideas planned! Stay healthy and happy and make sure to drink plenty of fluids <3

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