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Sat in front of Kun's fireplace bundled up in his favorite orange hoodie and a mass of blankets, you listened with a lingering smile on your face to your older sister's ranting to you over your phone about how her Christmas dinner with your extended family went this year. She was filling you in on all of the family drama, and complaining about all the various older family members who kept trying to grab your baby niece from her arms even after she said no.

"Baby boy missed you, by the way," she added, referencing her eldest. "He was very concerned about why his Aunt Y/N couldn't be there."

Before you could respond, Kun called to you from the kitchen, "Lovey? Want some hot chocolate?"

You grimaced as you realized that you hadn't given him a heads-up that you were on the phone, hoping that your sister hadn't heard that.

"Is that Kun?!" She practically screeched, nearly blowing out your speakers. You held your phone further away from your ear as she kept going. "You didn't tell me that the friend you were shacking up with for the snowstorm was Kun! Y/N, oh my God! Oh my God, Y/N!"

Well aware that you had been got, you covered the mic to look over at Kun, who mouthed an 'oops! sorry!' to you. You shook your head to let him know you weren't mad, and held up a finger in a gesture for him to wait on the hot chocolate while you dealt with this.

"Alright, chill out," you grumbled at your sister. "Yes, I'm staying with Kun right now..."

"Holy shit! How? When? Are you guys like... back together or is this a lonely-on-the-holidays hook-up thing?"

"Don't tell Mom and Dad anything yet but... we're trying again."

"Oh my God!" She squealed. "For real? Since when? How did you—? Tell me everything!"

"Christ, you're going to burst my eardrums at this rate... I can't turn the volume down any more without muting you entirely, you know."

"I'm sorry, I'm just really excited for you," she gushed, and the warmth of her voice spread through your chest. "You were just... always so happy around him. And I know you've felt a little... untethered the past few years."

You nodded in agreement even though she couldn't see it. "Anyway, it turns out he got a job at the same place I'm doing my research. We ran into each other, and had nothing better to do on Christmas, then this freak snowstorm came, and we got to really talking again."

"You've officially made my year, Y/N!" Her bright, infectious smile was audible through the phone. "Anyway, we're about to go back to Mom and Dad's for New Year's, so I have to go."

"Promise you won't tell them?" You asked, warning in your tone. "You'll let me do it? Once we've got things a bit more figured out."

"Fine, fine, I promise! You know I'm good at keeping secrets."

"Uh-huh. Tell everybody Happy New Year from me, okay?"

"Will do! Happy New Year, Y/N!" She then added even louder, "Happy New Year, Kun!"

"You're not on speakerphone, dumbass."

"Oh, boo. Tell him Happy New Year for me, please?"

"Fine, I will," you sighed. "Happy New Year. Love you, bye."

"Bye, love you!"

And with that, you hung up. Getting onto your feet, you shuffled into the kitchen where Kun had two steaming mugs on the counter. He offered one out to you, and you took it gratefully. He dropped a couple of marshmallows in the hot chocolate for you.

much mistletoeing about nothing ✦ q.k | ✔Where stories live. Discover now