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Savannah's Pov

Scarlett Johansson.

My mother. One of the most famous Hollywood Actresses. I heard she lives in New York now. Maybe if she didn't care about her career so much I wouldn't hate her as much as I do now. Or maybe if she cared to show up at all in my life I wouldn't hate her so much but I guess it's irrelevant now.

Just like I am in her life. She's gotten divorced twice since then and had two kids since the last time I saw her. Only thing I remember about her is when I was three and she said "Mommy has to go away for a movie, I'll be back in a few months.". She never came back. My parents never dated but Dad did or even does love my mom very much.

"Savannah, we need to get going if we're going to be on time to see Mama Olsen!" Dad yelled up the stairs, Mama Olsen is who you think she is, Elizabeth Olsen. Her and dad have been pretty close ever since Mom left, she's taken the role of my mother like nobody else could. Her and dad did a pretty good job if I could say so myself.

"I'm coming," I yelled back as I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. Today I had to go to set with dad and Mama Olsen makes sure to get there at a very specific time so we don't miss a minute away from each other. Usually, she would stay here with Dad and I but she had to fly to San Francisco for some interviews. "I'm ready." I huffed, throwing on my crocs, which I know Mom will be complaining about but who cares.

"Well, don't you look comfortable?" Dad teased me as we walked to the car. Did I mention it's 5:45 in the morning and I'm not a morning person? Well now I did. "You know your mother is going to complain and whine about how you wear your crocs everywhere but you still continue to do it." He chuckled, I just grumbled and turned over in my seat to try and fall back asleep since set was an hour drive from the house.

'Chris, you know that she can't wear crocs her whole life.'

'Well, Lizzie I did not want to get yelled at by my 14 year old daughter knowing she's not a morning person. You should have been there to help me.'

'You're a grown man Christopher. You should not be scared of a 14 year old.'

'Lizzie, can you wake her up and take her to your trailer.?'

'Yes. But, we will talk later Chris.'

I felt somebody shaking me slightly, I tried to smack their hand away but they kept on pushing me. "I'm going to shoot myself if you continue to try and wake me up.' I said groggily, when I finally looked up I saw Lizzie looking at me unimpressed, "What have I told you about saying that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing her eyes. I just groaned and got up.

"Just to remind you Lizzie we do have to be in our meeting in 10 minutes and I have to meet with the directors before that." Dad chimed in, poking his head out from behind Lizzie. We all got out of the car, Mom dragged me somewhere and Dad walked into a meeting room. At least I think it was a meeting room.

"I know yesterday was so hard without your favorite person there." Lizzie nudged me, I started looking around and she looked confused, "Who are you looking for?" She asked and tried to follow my gaze.

"Oh, I thought you said Dad was here." I said, shrugged my shoulders. I think it took a minute for what I said to register in her brain because she stopped walking and paused. Then I heard a faint 'Hey!' from behind me and saw her running towards me. We started laughing until my gaze fell on a specific name on a trailer.

'Scarlett Johansson.'

"I thought you and Dad didn't let me come to set when it was a movie she was in" I questioned, Lizzie also looked conflicted, maybe they didn't know she was in it but it's an Avengers movie so why wouldn't she?

"Baby, let's go the other way." Lizzie said as she directed me back to where we came from. I was relieved, not wanting to accidentally bump into her and have a 'nice' family reunion. That would be awkward. Lizzie has told me there have been times Scarlett has asked her to go out with her but she always said no because she felt that it was unfair to me; Well, she didn't say that to Scarlett, she came up with any other possible excuse.

"Maybe you could just sit in your dad's trailer until we get done with filming? It's probably the easiest way to avoid bumping into Scarlett." Lizzie explained to me, I nodded agreeing with her proposal. These are going to be some hard couple of months. "Just make sure you tell somebody anytime you need to leave the trailer, your dad and I don't want to have to send out an amber alert for Savannah Evans. That would be a long story to explain." Lizzie jokes, I smiled at her. She knows my lack of responses are nothing personal but I just need time.

"Lizzie, can I stay at your house this week? School is closer and it will give dad a bit of a break." I questioned, looking at the woman. Dad and Lizzie have joint custody of me. Ever since I was about 5 give or take.

"We can do that, I can drop you off and pick you but just know on Friday I have an interview so your dad or somebody else might pick you up." She agreed, Lizzie never misses out on a achance for us to spend time together, only if she's super busy and if that occurrence comes I still go with her I just stay with MK and Ashley.

"That's fine." I replied, Lizzie looked at her watch and informed me that it was time for her to get to the set that they are filming at today. I nodded, realizing I have some homework to finish up. I'll just do the questions I know the answer to then I can ask Lizzie to help me later. I didn't realize 3 hours had passed until I heard voices outside the trailer.

"Hey Chris...Liz? What are you guys going to do?" I heard a raspy voice ask from outside the trailer. Lovely, hopefully they can find an excuse so she doesn't ask to come in. She sounds confused on why they are going into the trailer together but who cares, she's married.

"I'm going to grab some things I left in his trailer this morning then I'm heading home. Have an early morning." Lizzie explained shortly, Scarlett hummed. "Chris, you're awfully quiet." She pointed out. Fuck. Dad, you're never quiet.

"Oh sorry, just a lot on my mind. Well, it was nice seeing you, Scar. Lizzie let's grab your stuff and go." Dad rushed out. He never does well under pressure so Scarlett pointing him out did not help her suspicions. They bid their goodbyes then Lizzie and Dad entered the trailer.

My stuff was already packed up. Lizzie and I turned to Dad unimpressed with his not very thought through lie. "What? She was staring me down, I didn't know what to say," Dad explained, looking like an upset puppy. "Let's just get our things, maybe we can stop and get something to eat before we split apart." Dad said. Lizzie left her car at Dad's house so we drove here together. We always go places together, never in different cars unless it's really really important that we do.

We exited the trailer, and started walking to the car. Dad on my left and Lizzie on my right. Then I thought of a joke. "Dad, what do you call Captain America with a big butt and bad attitude?" I asked, Dad thought for a second and said he didn't know.

"America's Sass." I answered, they looked confused for a second so I explained it. "Ass and attitude. Sss." Dad erupted in laughter and Lizzie swatted me on the arm, trying to hold in her laugh. We walked and finally got in the car, Dad opened the door for Lizzie and I and we drove off.

Little did we know who was behind us the whole time.

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