Bad name - Tara Carpenter

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"Tara Carpenter and Mindy Meeks-Martin?" The teacher reads loudly. Both girls nod, mumbling quick yes's as they stand awkwardly at the front of the class "okay. Go take a free seat and we'll get started"
"Fuck" I mutter before I duck my head, folding my arms on the table, resting my forehead against my arms to avoid both girls eyes as they walk past me up the aisle to two free seats behind Theo and I
"What are you doing?" Theo questions from beside me
"Nothing" I mumble back, lifting my head and looking back towards the teacher


"Just ask" Mindy whisper yells to Tara before letting out a groan at the girl next to her "excuse me?" Mindy speaks causing Theo to turn around to look at her
"Hey, what's up?" He questions
I keep my gaze down at my books, my leg bouncing under the table as the teachers voice drains into the background. My focus on the conversation between my best friend and the two girls
"Well... we were wondering if you could help us find our next class"
"Of course!" Theo reassures "I'm Theo by the way"
"I'm Mindy and this is Tara" Mindy introduces herself and the short brunette
"This is y/n" Theo introduces me before elbowing me in the side causing me to wince and look at him before turning my attention to the two girls
"Hey" I smile softly at them
"You look really familiar" Mindy speaks out causing me to give her the best fake confused look. She shakes her head "can't place my finger on it" she admits with a shrug. I left out a soft sigh of relief before directing my gaze towards Tara. She smiles widely at me once my eyes lock with her, I smile back at her before the four of us fall into conversation.


"Alright! This is you two" Theo speaks out, pointing to the classroom.
"Thank you both so much" Mindy smiles while Tara nods beside her "you two should come over to Tara's apartment later. We could watch a movie?" Mindy offers
Theo and I both nod "sounds like a plan" the boy next to me speaks happily
Tara reaches out and gives my bicep a small squeeze "I'll text you the address" she informs me, a wide smile pulling at her lips
"Okay" I smile happily at the short brunette


I knock against Tara's apartment door, Theo by my side
"Hey!" Mindy exclaims once she opens the door
"Hey Mindy" Theo and I speak in sync causing Mindy to chuckle
She opens the door wider to let us in "Tara's in the kitchen, you're both welcome to just wait on the couch"
We nod and make our way over to the couch, sitting down and falling into conversation with eachother as Mindy goes and joins Tara in the kitchen
"You gonna make a move on Tara tonight?"Theo whispers to me, nudging me playfully as he wiggles his eyebrows. I scoff and shove him away, he exaggerates my shove. Falling backwards onto the couch, holding the back of his hand up to his forehead as he over dramatically gasps "you're going to kill me"

I stiffen at his words, my mind immediately going to the events that both Tara and Mindy experienced not even a year ago.
He seems to notice my shift of mood, sitting up quickly and smoothing out his shaggy blonde hair that became a mess in the process of his antics
"You okay?" He questions softly
"Yeah" I breath out. Mustering a small smile for the boy. He gives me a sceptical look before nodding

"Hey you two" a voice speaks from behind us, we both turn looking towards Tara as she walks out of the kitchen
"Hey" we both smile causing the brunette to giggle before placing a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of us before sitting beside down me. Mindy follows suit, sitting down on the other side of Tara. I shuffle away from her slightly to give her more room but she follows, pressing herself against my side once more
"What're we watching?" Mindy questions as she picks up the remote and starts scrolling through Netflix

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