A+ student - Tara Carpenter

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"Let's start off our lesson with a small pop quiz shall we?" The teachers voice booms through the classroom, clearly trying to get everyone to shut their mouths and pay attention to him as he places his hands on his hips "class!" His voice booms out once again, his voice cracking making it seem a lot less vicious then originally intended. A few cover their mouths, chuckling into their palms at the voice crack. My eyes drift around the class, landing on a few students who snicker to their peers before my gaze lands on Tara Carpenter. The golden girl. The teachers pet. The A+ student. The one person who since she moved here ties with me in every test, every quiz, every assignment, every extra circular activity that's available or that I seem to be involved in. I huff to myself, my eyes subconsciously glaring daggers at the girl. Watching closely as she folds her hands on the table in front of her, back straight as she eyes the front of classroom. Listening to every single syllable that falls from the teachers lips. 
"Stop staring" Gwen whispers from beside me "some might think you've fallen for her"
It's my turn to laugh now, covering my mouth with the back of my hand as I turn to look at my auburn haired best friend
"Don't be ridiculous Gwen" I scold
She shrugs, a smile tugging at her lips before she averts her eyes towards Tara "I don't think I'm being ridiculous. Just...being  insightful" she admits accompanied by another shrug of her shoulders
I glare at her, scoffing softly before directing my gaze to the quiz paper that's been placed in front of me
"Gonna see if you can beat her this time?" Gwen whispers, leaning closer to me as the noise in the classroom dies down. The only additional noise being heard is the occasional clicking of the old fans above our heads.


I'm the first to finish the quiz, I stand and begin to walk to the front of the class.
Tara spots me moving and also stands, immediately gaining ground ahead of me. She puts her quiz down on the teachers desk before I even get the chance to look away from her.
Fucking bitch.
I roll my eyes and head to the desk, placing my paper down before walking back to my desk.


"Okay class...I've marked your pop quizzes, y/n and Jenna both of you have received full marks and top of the class"
"As usual" a student speaks loudly, trying to cover their obnoxious comment with a fake cough
Tara straightens her posture, proud of herself as Gwen nudges me playfully causing me to roll my eyes playfully and nudge her back.
I continue to look towards Jenna as she receives her graded paper back from the teacher, mumbling a soft 'thank you' that can hardly be heard over the obnoxious students of the class. Her eyes shift around the classroom before landing on me, her gaze hardening as she stares back at me. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head before Mindy catches her attention from next to her, causing Tara to pull her gaze away from my own and towards her best friend.


"Okay team! Divide yourselves equally into two teams!" Coach yells enthusiastically, clapping his hands a few times before standing up straight. Gwen grabs my bicep, pulling me towards one of the teams that are forming. The people around me whoop and clap me across the back once I settle by their sides
"Thank fuck!" Jackie yells once her eyes land on me, I raise an eyebrow at her "we don't have to do much work with you on our team" she chuckles out, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into her side "wonder what else you're good at" she mumbles, getting close to her ear. I duck under her arm and move towards Gwen, settling next to her side once again.
She chuckles and nudges me "got team captains attention have you?" She mumbles
I groan softly and elbow her in the ribs causing her to yelp loudly before laughing and gently shoulder barging me.

I look over towards the other team, my eyes locking with Tara's. Her jaw is set tight, her teeth clenched in her mouth causing a vein in her neck and forehead to stand out against her tan skin, she glares harshly at me. Her eyes narrowed as she gives me the look of someone wanting for the right time to plan my murder.

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