July 21st 1998

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I was born on the 21st day of the 7th month,my father was never in my life he left when he found out my mother was pregnant like the coward he was.

Growing up with her was fun she was caring and selfless but I still can't imagine how hard that must have been on her as a single mother.

This caused my mother to fall into depression and all the independence ruined her.

One day she was checked into the hospital for all her illnesses caused by stress and she tragically died there, I watched as she took her final breaths.

When my mother died I cried for weeks and wouldn't speak for 14 whole days.

In this time I had to bounce from foster care with arrogant parents and an unhappy environment.

In this time I had to bounce from foster care with arrogant parents and an unhappy environment

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One day I was at the park and I was balling my eyes out, seeing my sadness this nice girl around my age asked me why I was upset and I told her everything.

She then took me into her house and convinced her parent to adopt me into their lives being the nice people that they are, they agreed in no time as they had an extra room and my story was tragic.

2 years later (9 years old)
I was always good at piano I don't know why I was just born different you get me anyways I was in a competition with these middle schoolers and I lost can u believe it??!?!!??!? I was like what is this madness but then I realised he only won because his papa was a musician.

Later on I was on the bus and I'm so broke that I got stopped on the bus 😭😭😭😭 but this kid on the bus tried to hit on me like bbfr he was URGLAYY so I said no ew and looked away. Tell me why some random dude came to pay for my bus ticket I bet he just wanted to get with me because he thought I was "pretty" I hate guys like that.

I frequently saw that guy on the bus and it turns out he's a genually good person he even gave me money to by my dead mother a gift. He started to care fir me and be like the family I never had.

He stopped me from getting hit on my some old creepy man double my age. And walked me home.

I then moved into high school and it turns out this mysterious boy went to my school and there is a possibility that he is my half brother I liked that because he thought he was my step brother he did things for me that he did for nobody else.

It turns out that we were not in-fact related his dad looked nothing like this photos of mine.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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