Alderton's notes, part 1

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JAMES CAMDEN [as for Hastings Jr.'s account]: victim of murder, his and Beckwith's family have been friends since before the two were born. He came to the party as guest with his sister.

FELIX BECKWITH: master of the house and host to the party, childhood friend of the victim.

ALICE CAMDEN: sister of the victim, also acquainted with Mr. Beckwith, in good relations with his mother the mistress [she was speaking with him when I came in, pale but collected, maybe too much?].

OLIVER DAVENPORT: Beckwith's deceased father's protégée, was acquainted with the victim, but mostly knew him through F.B. [he was standing behind Alice, took some steps back and fell, speech slurred, intoxicated. She helped him up. Everyone else looked at him with contempt for the entire time].

OSCAR EATON: work acquaintance of Beckwith's, met the victim at a dinner, they got along well [true?]. They shared an interest in classic literature and opera [why did I write this down? He glanced at F.B., A.C. and O.D. multiple times. Tapped his foot nervously. Went up to the miss and touched her arm after O.D. fell, was ignored. Angry? In love? Intoxicated too].

CORA BECKWITH: Beckwith's mother, she had fainted and was laying on a couch brought in by the two Hastings, her son had to speak for her.

AUGUST AND JOSEPHINE GASTRELL: F.B.'s cousin's godparents, no relation to the victim, met him that night for the first time [both intoxicated, what kind of wine did they serve?].

THE ACKERS: mill owner and his wife, had seen the victim once at a dinner.

THE BARNEYS: also mill owner and his wife, also had no relation to the victim.



MILES HASTINGS: the butler, has known Mr. Camden for many years, as he has served the Beckwith family for decades.

ARTHUR HASTINGS: has been hired recently as cook by Mr. Beckwith, didn't know the victim as well as his father.

DAISY E.: a maid, has worked in the house for some time, served the food and drinks for the party along with Lucy B.

MARY C.: a maid, very impatient to have to spend so much time in the same room, asked repeatedly to be let out.

BEATRICE: the mistress's old nurse, used to take care of F.B. when he was a child, knew Mr. Camden as the young master's friend, nothing more.

GRAHAM J.: recently hired gardener, was in the house until before the party, excused himself to go visit his family.

[Many new hires!]

AN EDDY OF MISPLACED PASSIONS, or the paradoxical death of Mr. James CamdenWhere stories live. Discover now