Chapter 4

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"Wonderful! I will get the help to bring your bags up to the room. Once we finish dinner, I will have the maids show you up to your room," Mr. Winters said.

"Thank you for allowing me to stay in your lovely home," Walter said while looking around the home. "Where are the rest of your family? I thought they would be alongside you, helping you welcome me to your lovely home."

"Oh, my family, they are getting ready for our lovely dinner. Actually, my wife needed a moment to compose herself. As for my daughter, she is still getting ready," Lucas said while leading his wife and his guest into the dining room to sit down at the table.

"Darling is this our guest of honor that you were telling us about," Lucia asked while looking Walter up and down. "My he is a handsome man. Lord DeVille, do you have a lady DeVille waiting for you back at your home?"

"Lucia that is no question that we should be asking Lord DeVille," Lucas scolded his wife knowing the answer to her question. Lucas then turned back to Lord DeVille feeling a bit embarrassed by his wife's question. "I'm so sorry about that Lord DeVille. Normally my wife Lucia, is never this straight forward with asking those kinds of questions. I simply don't know what has gotten into her to have her asking that kind of question."

Walter raised his hand while holding back the smile that was trying to make it's way to his face. "Lucas, you have nothing to worry about. I happen to find the fact that your wife being so forward is quite amusing. To answer your question, Mrs. Winters, I don't have a wife waiting for me back home. I'm just a lonely lord, who lives in his manner with only the maids and butlers to keep him company. Though I do find myself sitting in the chair of my study longing to have a caring wife by my side, asking me about my day, or coming to me for a tiny bit of affection. But I haven't found the right woman to take on the DeVille last name yet."

"I'm more than sure you will find a woman who is worthy of your last name," Lucia said before Colette walked into the room, gaining everyone's attention. "Oh, my dearest daughter, Colette. You look absolutely beautiful. Lulu has done it again. Remind me to give Lulu the day off tomorrow for doing such a wonderful job; putting so much time and effort and love into the way you look."

"Thank you, mother," Colette said before turning her attention to Lord DeVille. Colette was quick to curtsey. "Sorry to have kept you waiting my lord. I was finishing getting ready."

"No need to apologize. We cannot rush perfection," Walter said.

Colette blushed. "Thank you for being so understanding."

"Oh, my dear, I can be many things. In good time you will see that I could be a good husband, if it comes down to it," Walter said.

"Lord DeVille, speaking like that won't work in your favor. I'm a lady. I won't just jump at the opportunity to marry you, though you go and drop hints that you are interested in potential marriage," Colette said.

"Colette that is no way to speak to our guest, who took the time to come to our village and pay us a visit," Lucas lectured his daughter before turning his attention to Walter. "I'm so sorry about the way that she spoke to you. I can assure you that my wife and I raised our daughter better than that."

Walter raised his hand up again, stopping Lucas from rambling on. "There is no need to go and ramble on. I happen to find your daughter's feistiness. It's refreshing from all the other women that I have encountered before her. I quite like how feisty your daughter is."

"Thank you for not being upset with my daughter. As I began saying before, my daughter was brought up to be better than that. And if need be, I can teach my daughter her place," Lucas said.

"As I said before it's refreshing to see a woman who has acted a bit feisty. All the other women who I have encountered always throwing themselves at me, hoping that I would take their hand in marriage," Walter explained. "Your daughter acting the way that she did, well it's a challenge. I truly love the challenge."

"I'm glad to hear that you love a challenge, Lord DeVille, and I'm more than sure you will find someone suitable to give you the challenge, but I won't be that woman. I have standards and won't lower myself to jump in bed with a lord who is out looking for a good time until he finds a woman who is wife material," Colette said shocking her mother and father.

"Colette, your father and I taught you to be better than that," Lucia said.

"Colette, apologize to the good Lord DeVille right now," Lucas demanded shocking Colette a bit.

"Father, it was you who always told me not to throw myself at a lord, because it would make me look cheap and easy in his eyes. You told me to fight for what I believe in. That is exactly what I am doing. I won't stand here and be treated like a piece of property that can be sold to the highest bidder," Colette said.

Lucas was about to say something back to his daughter but was stopped by Walter speaking up. "No need to lecture her Lucas. Your daughter is perfect the way she is. She is perfect to become my wife."

"Excuse me," Colette said shocked.

"Lord DeVille, are you absolutely sure you like my daughter the way that she is? Because I can teach her a lesson about showing respect. Are you absolutely sure about taking on a wife, who is only going to show you disrespect," Lucas asked.

"No need to worry about that. I will be the one to teach your daughter a lesson on how to show me respect. After all, it will be my responsibility as her husband," Walter said. 

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