Chapter 3

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Colette gave Lulu a shocked look at what she heard. "What did you just say?"

"I said that you and Ms. Viktoria have grown to become fine young women ready to be married off," Lulu said.

"You don't suppose that father is only having this formal dinner with this important guest tonight, because he is trying to marry me off to him, do you," Colette asked growing nervous now.

"Oh Ms. Colette, you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure your father wants to have a one-on-one dinner with him, just to feel him out a bit; and get to know the man's personality is all. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Just be your sweet, charming self and everything will be fine," Lulu said.

"I hope you're right about all of this Lulu. I seriously hope that you're right. I don't know what I would do, if father just agrees to this marriage and doesn't feel this man out," Colette said while trying to calm her nerves.

It's now time for dinner and Lulu had just finished the final touch on Colette. Lulue took a moment to admire how beautiful Colette looked. "Oh, my lady. You look so beautiful. Remember, don't be nervous. Be yourself and don't let the nerves get the best of you. Everything will be fine. You will make a good first impression with our guest of honor," Lulu said before hearing someone knock on the door. Lulu noticed the nervous look on Colette's face again. "Remember what I said. No being nervous. Keep reminding yourself that you got this. You are a strong woman, that knows what you want."

"Right," Colette said before taking a deep breath before getting up. Colette made her way towards the door, but stopped feeling that something was feeling a bit off. "I don't know if I can go through with this Lulu. I feel like there is something wrong with this dinner. I feel that something is completely off, but I don't know what it is though."

"It's just your nerves getting the best of you. Don't let your nerves get in the way of something that you have been doing since you were born. This is something that comes naturally to you. Remember to make a good impression, and you will do wonderful," lulu said.

"Thank you, Lulu. If I didn't have you here to talk to me and help me through all of these times when I feel too nervous to do something," Colette said.

"It's no problem Ms. Colette. I have been around for quite some time. I know what it's like to be nervous. But I know how to get over it, because my mother was always there for me every step of the way. Granted I know you wish your mother was there for you more, but she was brought up by a nanny because of her social class. That and your mother has picked the right woman to raise you," Lulu said.

"Sometimes I can't help but wonder what my life would be like if I were born in the same class as you Lulu, Colette said.

"If that were the case, then you would have been raised as a farm girl dreaming of living a good life where people take care of you. You would be spending most of your days looking for ways to break the cycle of getting married to a farmer's son, to sit home, cook, clean and tend to the dozens of children n to help take care of the chickens, ducks, pigs and cows. Or you would be a maid looking to find a way out of the job so you could become a lady of your own home. Trust me, there are times when I had to get my hands dirty while helping out on my family farm, before I came to work for your parents," Lulu explained.

"I wouldn't mind going out on the farm getting my hands a bit dirty. I would do what is expected of me, if it means that I'm helping my family out," Colette said.

"And right now, you are doing just that. You are doing what is expected of you, by going down to that dinner and gracing everyone with the sight of beauty," Lulu said. "Don't keep them waiting."

"Right. Wish me luck with this," Colette said.

"Good luck my sweet child," Lulu said before Colette walked out of the room. Hopefully everything will be fine. I will miss having that dear child around. But I know that Mr. Winters knows what he's doing, though I feel that there is something off about our guest of honor that is attending this dinner tonight. Hopefully it's just me being an overly protective mother figure to the young woman that I watched grow up. The very young woman who I consider to be one of my own, Lulu thought to herself.

Mr. Winters was pacing back and forth nervously in his study, wondering if everything was perfect for the lord who was planning on gracing him and his family for the family dinner that night. It's not every day that a lord shows up and decides to grace his family dinner. And Mr. Winters wants to impress Lord DeVille in hopes that Lord DeVille will want to return back to his house again. Hopefully everything goes right, and I can have Lord DeVille come to one of my bigger gatherings, that I like to hold with friends who are dear to my family and I. But right now, I have to impress Lord DeVille so much that he will ask for my daughter's hand in marriage, Mr. Winters thought to himself, before the doorbell rang pulling him out of his thoughts.

Mr. Winters was quick to make his way to the front door before any of the maids could get there, opening it to reveal Lord DeVille standing there. "Lord DeVille, it's so pleasant to see you. How was your travels? I hope your travels went well. Do you have a place to stay?"

"My travels went well. I made good time getting here. As I arrived, I planned on looking for an inn that will have me for a few nights," Walter said.

"You will do no such thing. Please stay the night in my home," Mr. Winters offered

"Are you sure about this? You're already having your help do so much with making the finest dinner, making sure everything goes smoothly. I wouldn't want to make them do more than they are doing now," Walter said.

"Don't be silly, Lord DeVille. My maids won't mind catering to your every need. We don't mind having you stay until you leave," Mr. Winters said.

Walter thought about it for a moment, before finally giving in and agreeing to stay. "Alright I'll stay." 

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