TWENTY-EIGHT, late night talks.

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enchantedchapter 28, late night talks

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chapter 28, late night talks.


"Where the fuck have you been? You were supposed to be here over an hour ago?" John asked Rory when she walked into his office. "And what are you doing here? I thought you went back to school?"

"Got sidetracked sorry won't happen again but you can't have been that worried about me because you didn't send anyone for me or leave anyone to walk me," she replied avoiding eye contact with him to avoid telling him about Lilian while she took her jacket off. "Besides Freya appeared from nowhere so I was safe."

"I was at school then I got bored so here I am," Freya shrugged.

Before another word was said from either of them Polly walked in, carrying a newspaper, which she folded and tossed down on John's desk. He gave the newspaper a side-eye as he sipped his tea. "Did we run Kempton yesterday or not?" he asked the woman stood infront of him.

"Danny Lee got drunk," Polly replied. "Instead of injecting the horses with cocaine, he decided to share it with his cousins."

Rory tried her hardest not to laugh while her dad sighed but she just couldn't help it and ended up laughing. "Go get me another tea and get yourself a drink," John instructed and looked up at her arm where the hand print bruise was. "Freya go with."

"She's not a baby. She can handle two drinks," Freya rolled her eyes as she slowly got up.

"Jesus Christ," he sighed when he heard Freya's comment. "Go."

"He's your brother-in-law," Polly pointed out. "Tell Esme to speak to him about it."

Rory and Freya came back with two cups of tea and Rory placed one in front of her dad, who kept a close eye on her bruise that was on her wrist that was shown when her sleeve rode up slightly while Pol spoke, "Look, before I start," Polly sighed, pulling up a chair. "I don't want you to do anything about this."

"About what?" John asked.

"Vincente Changretta's son," Polly replied closing the door. "The one Lizzie was stepping out with?"

"What, Angel?" John asked. "He's no bigger than twopence worth of change."

"Well, he heard you threatened him directly to shoot him in the knees," Polly replied. "And now he's going round Nechells telling everybody he's going to kill you."

"What? Please tell me she's lying dad, I can't lose anyone else" Rory said. "Sometimes with the shit you do, I believe you adopted me because there is no way in hell I inherited your brain thank god."

"This is Lizzie's fault to start with," Polly said. "Tommy's for leaving it up to you."

"Do all of the Shelby brother's lack a brain or is it just you and Tommy?" Rory asked, rolling her eyes and looking to Freya who held the same exasperated look that Rory held.

𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now