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Friday Evening
04 December 2009
Draco's POV

I was sitting cross-legged beneath the warm, drenching spray of the rainforest shower in my bathroom — it had always been my sanctuary.

My escape.

But it wasn't helping to distract me any from the sobs wracking my body as I cried in a way I hadn't even known was possible until now.

None of it had been real.

Harry had been under the influence of the app almost the entire time.


How had I been so stupid?

Every moment I'd spent beaming at Harry, wondering how I was so lucky and how our life together could possibly be real, only to realise it wasn't.

I slumped down and curled into a little ball, wishing I had never even existed because how the fuck would I ever recover from this?

From Harry?

Maybe I could convince him to stay with me out of pity or hope the app kept him glued to my side, and I snorted and half-choked on my snot as I realised that, despite my heartache, a Harry who wasn't actually mine wasn't the Harry that I wanted.

Well, at least I wasn't a fucking nutter like Williams, I consoled myself.

I hoped that fucker had what was coming for him.

In the few moments before I'd Disapparated, I'd seen Bones and her crew, including Ron and Blaise, coming out of the darkness, advancing on Williams, and I had no doubt he was now in custody, where he fucking belonged.

I wiped at my face again, not for the tears.

The water streaming down from the shower took care of that.

But someone, please explain to me why one's body produced snot in quintuple fold when one was crying ugly tears?

How the fuck did that actually work?

Explain it to me, please.

I really needed a fucking distraction right now.

I lay there, Merlin knows how long, curled up and sobbing beneath the spray, trying to ignore the memories of Harry my brain was flashing at me.

Because there were so many.

I almost laughed, thinking back to the first time we'd fucked, compliments of Grindr, how lucky I'd thought myself, able to live out my schoolboy fantasies for just one evening.

And then, somehow, those evenings had just kept happening.

And now I was so blissfully, stupidly in love with him that I didn't know how I was ever going to get up out of this shower and continue with my life.

Maybe I wouldn't.

I considered the Prophet Headlines.

"Malfoy Heir Incapacitated due to Split with Boy Wonder."

I groaned and sobbed and hiccoughed all at once and curled myself more tightly into a ball as if that would somehow help.



Fuck me. This wasn't happening.

How the fuck was he here?

I'd adjusted my wards and everything.

I squeezed my eyes shut and curled even more tightly, angling myself so my back was facing him, protecting myself like a wounded animal.

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