Introvert x Ambivert

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Pomni's POV

I don't really enjoy Larynx's mood swings and emotions they give off... but I know that's just how they react to this environment. The next day was just the same reaction to other people, Larynx continued to isolate themselves. I'm scared they'll abstract themselves.

"Welcome, members!" Caine said happily, "I hope you all had a nice quiet time!"

"I slept like sh*t." Larynx replied, annoyed.

"How unfortunate for you. You're starting to act like Pomni." Jax said, intimidating me.

I noticed Larynx's eye twitch, "CAN'T YOU JUST HANG YOURSELF?!"

"Uh, Larynx, calm down.." Ragatha said, calming them down.

Larynx backed off, standing beside Ragatha, "Whatever, just don't be cocky, Jax."

Gangle walked up beside me, "I'm sure Larynx and Ragatha had become friends..."

I nod, agreeing, "Yeah." I then proceeded to ask Larynx something. "Larynx, what's your age?"

"I'm 24." They answer.

"You don't act 24... you act 21 or 22."

"Cool." I could tell Larunx was unamused. I thought it would be flattering. Maybe I need to think before I speak.

"What's the adventure today?" Ragatha asked Caine.

"I think I'd do a scavenger hunt! You'll get divided into groups of 2 or 3." Caine explained.

This could maybe be a chance to befriend Larynx! I really don't like scavenger hunts that much... but it's worth a shot!

"Do we get to pick or...?" I asked Caine.

"Oh, of course not!... (under his breath): That'd be just stupid. (Normal voice): I'm going to choose." Caine replied.

Zooble and Larynx didn't like the adventure that much...

"I'll simply use a generator to choose teams of 2, and the odd one out will be paired with a team." Caine then summoned a generator with our names on it, I was crossing my fingers and hoping I'd get paired with Larynx and only Larynx.

The generator paired up Ragatha with Gangle, Kinger with Zooble, and Jax with Larynx... I was the odd on out

"Luckily for you, Pomni," Caine told me, "You can choose with group you wanna merge with!"

I sighed in relief, "I'll join Jax and Larynx." I responded.

"Unique choice, indeed." Bubble said.

"If you don't go somewhere else..." Caine said to Bubble.

I walked to Jax and Larynx to greet myself. "Seems that you're going to be tortured by a single, no-gyat rabbit that just so happens to be killed in a matter of 7 minutes from now." Larynx said to me.

"Uh, yeah." I reply. She must REALLY hate Jax.

"First of all, I'm not single. You're talking about yourself. Second of all, you can't terrorize me, Larynx." Jax said.

"I will blackmail you!" They said.

"Okay... changing the subject... are y'all going to think about how we're going to try and get all the hidden objects scattered throughout the realm?" I asked them.

"No, I think that's just you." Larynx simply said.

"Yeah, jester, just you." Jax said.

"It's not jester it's Pomni." I informed Jax... he had the audacity to do the nerd face. 💀

"Alright, single sl*t, let's go harass the items." Larynx said, walking off.

Jax looked SO offended I wanted to cackle so loudly.

We got outside where we had already spotted a purple star, hiding in a digital bush.

"Who's gonna sacrifice themselves?" Larynx asked us.

"What do mean 'sacrifice?!'" I asked Larynx, my eyes widened.

"One of us might get beaten the crap up if we risk getting that thing." Larynx explained.

"Whatever, pookies, I'll get it." Jax said, walking towards the star.

"Okay, bootleg rabbit." Larynx replied, calling Jax out of his name.

"I wouldn't recommend saying that." He said.

"Why so?"

"Because I might offer to drown you in the digital lake."

"And you wonder why you're single."

"D*MN." I reacted to Larynx's comeback, Larynx got the SMOKE.

"Moving on, the star didn't do nothing." Jax said, holding the purple star.

"How unfortunate, I wanted to watch you go to hell." They walked past Jax, Jax rolled his eyes and followed them. I trailed behind, still chuckling about how badly roasted Jax was.

In the digital carnival, we found a lot of items. They were all stars, so I'm guessing we had to search for stars.

"How many so we have again?" I asked Jax and Larynx.

"12 so far." Larunx replied.

"Okay, thanks."

Larynx smiled softly. That smile made me feel safe...

Jax immediately hinted at that and went out of his way to embarrass me. "Aw, someone catching feelings?"

I felt my face turn red, "Shut up!"

"What? Are you afraid to admit it?" Jax teased.

I covered my face with my hands to hide my blush, WHY SOCIETY, WHY???

Larunx chuckled a bit, "Let's continue with the hunt. We're not done yet."

"Good, let's look inside the tent." I suggested.

We all went inside the tent. Apparently, Caine was keeping track of the scores. We were in second place, and Ragatha and Gangle were first place.

"Looks like we gotta step up our game." Jax suggested.

"No sh*t, Sherlock." Larynx rolled their eyes.

"B*tch I can roll my eyes too, watch." Jax then rolled his eyes at Larynx.

"No time to attack each other, we got 13 minutes left." I said, walking to collect a star from a corner.

"Okay, fine." Larynx said, walking beside me.

We found 10 more stars, then the adventure was unfortunately over, Ragatha and Gangle had won, but that's fine, completely fine... *internal jealous screams*

"I'll see y'all on the flip side." Larynx said, walking to where the hallway of the rooms were.

"You're very desperate to isolate yourself." I said to them.

Larynx looked back, "Yeah, I don't exactly like talking after a long activity of some kind," They walked towards me, "But it was nice knowing you." Larynx hugged me and walked to their room. I'm sure I've befriended Larynx successfully.

"You planning on trying to f*ck them?" Jax said, interrupting my mood.

"JAX, I WILL STAB YOU." I screamed about to attack him with a fork. Before I knew it, I ended up getting locked in my room for the rest of the day. What? He deserved it, ESPECIALLY for being cocky.

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