Chapter 22: Desperate Times

Start from the beginning

Din had been on the transport for over two hours riding to the last known coordinates of the machine parts. As the people left the transport at their stops he had dozed in and out of sleep. The revelations of the last few hours had left him feeling more conflicted not less. The idea that his whole life could have been wrong was a difficult idea to comprehend. He could understand the desire to be safe, to survive, to hide when they were being hunted. But everything else, the cruelty he endured, fighting his own brothers and sisters. These were things he couldn't understand. The conversation with Melvin had opened a dam of emotions that were hiding under the surface. He was so distracted in his own thoughts that he missed his stop and had to double back on foot.
    This sector was full of ships in various levels of construction. Some were being repaired, some were being stripped. There were droids everywhere, hauling carts of pieces, making deals, and exchanging money. Large creatures with heavy arms and thick hands moved enormous pieces of equipment as if it was nothing. Din found the workshop with the last known location of the parts and made contact with the owner. "I don't deal in stolen parts I don't deal with strangers." He yelled at Din, nearly an inch from his helmet. The man in question was a thick chested creature covered in warts and scars. His face resembled a sack of fruit with eyes and a mouth. "We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way." Din said, placing his hand on his blaster. "You gonna shoot me or what ay ay ay, you think you can walk out of here in one piece if you shoot me?" Din said nothing and stood in silence. "I don't think you have the balls to pull that trigger." Din flipped out his blaster and shot the man in the top of his foot. He yowled in pain grabbing his foot and hopping around the floor. Din had checked the perimeter for guards and found few. This place was a fend for yourself type of establishment. His host looked like he had taken a few risks and lost. "Ayyyye ay ay, you shot me in my foot you dumb druughehddj." His last few words were incoherent. "You know how long its gonna take me to re grow a new foot, its gonna be months!" He was sitting now, trying to wrap his bare foot in a cloth to stop the bleeding.
Din stood, watching the scene unfold. No one came to help the man, everyone continued working, business as usual. "I sold that stupid part a week ago to a trader in sector 9, he underpaid me for it. I wouldn't go looking for it, this guy wasn't someone you want to mess with. Why don't you let me find you another one, same size." He was leaning back now in his chair, his head resting on the edge of a shelf. "I don't have time to wait for you to find something, I need it today. Tell me where this guy is." Din said, growing impatient with the man. After looking at a map and getting coordinates Din left the shop. He figured he had just a few minutes head start before the shop owner gave a heads up to his buyer that he was on the way. It always worked like that. This guy wouldn't want to risk his business by telling bounty hunters where his buyers were. This was going to be more of a mess than he thought.

Clara had been sitting in front of the damn statue for over 6 hours. She knew it was that long because she had snuck a communicator in her robes. The communicator had no signal, of course, but it could tell the time. And time was ticking. Nothing about the room made sense. She was standing on a platform, suspended above a pit that had no end, and she was supposed to solve some kind of puzzle. She had tried almost everything she could think of, saying words, moving things with the force, hitting something strategically with her lightsaber and anything else. She was exhausted, hungry, and felt like giving up. The "secret knowledge" had been something incredibly simple that her teachers had taught her on the first day of training. The force does not deal in absolutes, no one is all good or all evil, we are all parts of a whole. Yet, no matter how she worded the phrase or meditated, she couldn't find a way out of the chamber. She decided to take a break and rest, maybe a nap would clear her head. When she laid down she closed her eyes and imagined a world where there were no Jedi or Sith, where people could choose to be good or evil. Minutes passed and Clara fell asleep.
She dreamed of a galaxy of endless stars and civilizations, of people not yet discovered. She dreamed that the wars that had been fought meant almost nothing, that each individual in the galaxy meant so much and yet so very little. Then she saw cycles, the force moving and growing, changing over time. She saw the cyclical nature of life and death and change. Clara woke up. She knew the answer to the riddle.

Din arrived at the junkyard just 15 minutes after he left the previous shop. This new location was nicer, more put together, more official. It looked to be made completely out of empire ships and had well armed guards at the front and rear. He counted ten guards total that he cold see. Din paused for a minute in the shadows and thought about his next move. He never thought he would ever wish for company but he wanted Clara and Grogu here with him. He found himself thinking that they would be good assets to his efforts. He wondered what they were doing, how the challenges were going. He thought of Clara, of her smile, and her determination to pave her own life.
His opening arrived when a shipment showed up at the front door. Din crouched low behind the speeder and climbed on to the shipping container. He rode the transport right through the front door into the receiving room. Hidden by a tarp and the low lighting he was safe for now. The guards walked up and down the rows of parts and inspected the shipments. When they arrived to his hiding spot he stood as still as he could, they didn't spot him. The leader of this clan walked in, a human in a long blue robe. He muttered some instructions to a few people and then walked into an office. Din took a chance and followed him in.
"Hey what are you doing in here!" He shouted. Din closed and locked the door, blaster in hand he said "Don't move, if I wanted you dead you already would be." The man stopped, "Get on with it then." Din laid the picture of the parts on the table, making sure not to move his blaster or take his eyes off the man. "That thing, that has cost me more than enough problems. Since you are probably not walking out of here alive, tell me what do you want with a destroyer class hyperdrive?"
"I'm just the delivery man, it was stolen and I was sent to retrieve it." Din said. The man made a motion to reach for a control panel and Din shot at his hand. "You are good. You know, with that hyperdrive you could buy enough beskar for a whole army." Din stood in silence, waiting for the mans next move. Men like him talked too much, waiting was often the best approach. "It's in storage bay 4, behind a locked door. The code is 2377465." Din reached down and pulled out a plastic handcuff, he tied the man to his chair and turned off his communicator.
He was correct, the drive was in storage bay 4, but it was the size of a battle droid. The hyperdrive was at least 9 feet tall and 6 feet wide. It looked to be in perfect condition and sat on a metal pallet with handles on it. There was no way that Din was getting it out of here alone. He could imagine the man in his office, tied to his chair, laughing at Din and his mistake.
Clara exited the chamber starving and half asleep. Her brain was a mess of ideas and thoughts. The solution to the puzzle was simple yet excellent. She had to reposition the statues in the middle of the platform so that they balanced on either side of a set of scales. The idea being that if one person leaned to heavily on either side the entire statue would collapse. This solution had come to her after her nap, yet executing it was very tiring. The statues were heavy and she had to exert all of her abilities with the force to move them. That was never her strength as a Jedi, she was much more skilled in healing and understanding the mind. Geetal had dinner, or was it breakfast, waiting for her when she arrived. She sat down and ate without speaking. Grogu arrived moments later and he ate as well. They all sat in silence, Geetal not objecting. Once she finished she started talking, "Grogu I have so much to say, so much to ask you. I believe that Master Yoda chose his path because it was necessary to get to where we are today. He knew this information that we know and he still choose the path of the Jedi's. I think," She stopped as her communicator beeped. It was Din and he was in trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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