Chapter 1

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Aurora heaved a sigh of relief as the plane touchdown at Scotland. The gruesome 30 hours flight from Malaysia to Scotland was so tiring and draining that she almost tempted to abandoned her plan to visit Scotland during Christmas.

She made a promise to herself this year to spend Christmas at Scotland as this was one of her to do in her bucket list after her divorce was finalized. It was a long and nasty divorce that left a bitter taste in her mouth. Thankfully she was surrounded by the warm support of her family and close friends and she made it through. Barely.

"You will never make it in this life WITHOUT ME!" Aurora flinched as she recalls her ex-husband, Philip words echoed in her mind.

Clutching her bags as she boarded out from the plane, she went into the airport with determined steps as to prove his words were wrong.

After two hours clearing immigration, she quickly grabbed her suitcase and order a cab to her hotel. Feeling utterly exhausted and sleepy, she checked in quickly and barely made time to take a bath and brush her teeth.

Aurora plopped herself on the bed and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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