Chapter 1: A Normal Day in Hakugyokurou

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Date: November 6, 1980
Time: 6 AM, Sunrise

Location: Hakugyokurou, Gensokyo


Young Youmu's POV

I wake up to a certain someone training and counting swings. And of course, I couldn't contain my curiousness checking outside the house.

Youmu: "Yoru? You're already training this early in the morning?" *Yawn*

Yoru, or by his full name, Yoru Konpaku is my twin brother, who specializes by the blade just like me. He rarely shows emotion anymore (aside from me), ever since mom and dad got killed.

Yoru: "It improves the mindset and focus. you should try it too." *Huff*

Youmu: "No thanks, I'll pass today. Don't overtire yourself, Yoru."

Just as I was to turn around, my brother seemed to broke the wooden sword on the dummy. I turned back, looking at Yoru again.

Yoru: "Accidentally broke it again."

Youmu: "Y-Yoru!? You know grandpa would kill us since this is the fifth time you've broke the training sword!"

Yoru seems to look at me with an annoyed expression, sighing and taking another training sword.

Yoru: "I'll pay for the sword this time."

Youmu: "Ah... Thank god. I'll make breakfast on the kitchen if you need anything. But one more question though... Where did grandpa go?"

Yoru: "To the dojo to train the other students."

Youmu: "Wonder why you didn't go to the dojo this time..."

Yoru: "Should be asking that to you, as well sister."

Youmu: "I told grandpa I need to stay at home today, after all, I did break my ankle yesterday. What's your reason to grandpa that you can't go anyway?"

Yoru: "Told grandpa I want to learn how to cook."

Youmu: "The last time you cooked, the eggs you cracked had some shell fragments in it, as well as the rice being raw! You know you can't cook!"

Even though we're twin siblings, I sometimes feel like I'm the big sister here... Which sometimes pisses me off for some reason.

Yoru: "Nuh uh."

And so, the arguement continued for 2 minutes, until Master Yuyuko stepped in to end the arguement.

Yuyuko: "You both!!! Stop fighting!"

The cute angry pout by Yuyuko-sama seemed charm us into ending the argument.

Yuyuko: "Well I understand that Yoru-kun can't cook, hehe~ Youmu-chan~! Make breakfast already~!"

Yoru: "Seriously!? You're taking her side!?"

I walked towards my twin brother, before sticking out my tongue at him to mock him, you know normal sibling behavior.

Yuyuko: "Yoru-kun, go clean the house instead~"

Yoru: "Will do... Yuyuko-sama..." *Annoyed face*

-------------------Yoru's POV--------------------

I look at the mirror on the bathroom, feeling ashamed after losing an argument... To my own twin sister. I started to wash my face too of course, to remove the sweat and oil from my face after the training, before wiping my face with the towel then coming my hair.

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