2 0 0

1- He was a fan of her before he was a trainee

2-He was a subscriber to her YouTube channel

3-in his trainee period they didn't do much with dance but since he liked it he learned from her videos

4-he kept it a secret from everyone that he was a fan of hers

5-He recognized her voice ♡2007♡

SEUNGRI:I knew from our first phone call who's she was
INTER:you knew?
SEUNGRI:I had heard her voice before so it was easy, I just didn't tell my huyngs because I didn't knew how would they react

6-"she has a very distinct voice. It's easy to remember " ...♡2007♡

7-Out of everyone he was the  only one to be happy that she was younger than them.

INTER:How did you feel about her age
TAEYANG:he was the only excited one
SEUNGRI:because until that moment I was the younger in the company and I had to call everyone Noona and hyung so it was nice having someone to call me oppa
INTER:did she call you oppa?
TAEYANG:sad (Everyone laughing)

8-He complained to her ♡2011♡

DARA:he was way to comfortable from the start though
INTER:what do you mean?
DARA:I remember him calling 2 months after our phone call, texting me and complaining because I didn't call him oppa and everyone like teased him
SEUNGRI:yeah that's what happened
DARA:we didn't even knew each other and you always talked about that!
SEUNGRI:it was out of love
DARA:yeah yeah

9-she didn't believe that that was his name

DARA:yeah alright
SEUNGRI:what what?
DARA:are you messing with ne because I am not telling you my name?
SEUNGRI:what??? No....
DARA:I don't believe you. That's not your name.
SEUNGRI:why won't you believe me? That's really my name. Do you want to call my parents
DARA:so you want me to believe that you have the same name with the one before?
SEUNGRI:yes but I am lee seung-hyun and he is Choi seung-hyun. He is our hyung!
DARA:yeah I don't believe you
SEUNGRI:do you want to see my identity? Would you be then satisfied?
DARA:mmmm...not its okay let's say that I believe you

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