"Guilty." Payback said and I chuckled.

"Well, Hangman, the Ramos Gin Fizz is a notoriously tricky cocktail to make, and for good reason. I like a good challenge every once in a while. This drink requires shaking vigorously during each part of the process in order to create the perfect foam and consistency. If you're not careful, it can quickly become over-shaken or too frothy, ruining the drink altogether." I said as I started to make the drink.

"It was invented by Harry C. Ramos in 1888 at his bar, the Imperial Cabinet Saloon in New Orleans. And the drink became so popular that Ramos had to hire 20 new bartenders just to keep up with the orders. The thing with the Ramos, it needs to be shaken about 12 minutes, and for that, fuck you." I said and they chuckled as I started to shake it.

"Look who is here, it's lover boy." Hangman said as Bradley walked in with Fanboy and Bob behind him.

"Hey." He said with a wide smile.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I just stood there shaking the cocktail.

"I'm making money." I said and he looked over at Hangman who was just chuckling.

"She's making me a Ramos Gin Fizz that takes 12 minutes to shake." He said and laughed out loud and Bradley couldn't help himself but to laugh as well.

"Good one." He said and gave Hangman a high five.

"Where's Phoenix?" I asked.

"She's in the bathroom, lady troubles she said." Bob said and I nodded and looked over at the bathroom stalls.

"So, you are literally going to shake that for 12 minutes?" Bradley asked.

"Yes." I said.

"I'll be right back." I said and walked over to another costumer, taking her order, still shaking it, I placed her beer in front of her.

"Next." I said and I could hear the guys laughing. I was able to get through 10 orders before the cocktail were shaken enough. I poured it up in a glass, garnished it and placed it in front of Hangman.

"I'm impressed." He said.

"You better be and neither of you are allowed to order any cocktail tonight." I said and they laughed.

"You heard the leader, beers all around." Coyote said and I grabbed them some beers. I looked over at the bathroom stalls, Phoenix were still no where to be seen.

"You good for a second?" I asked Maddie and she nodded and I walked over to the bathroom stalls with the lads eyes burning in my neck. It was locked, the entire bathroom was locked.

"Phoenix?" I asked.

"I know you are in here." I said.

"Just let me know if you are okay." I said and the door unlocked and I sneaked in and locked it again and she sat down and I could see she was in a great deal of pain.

"Phoenix, what's going on?" I asked and then a pool of blood formed around her.

"Phoenix, tell me!" I said.

"I'm having a miscarriage." She said and my eyes widened. I grabbed my towel from my apron and damped it with cold water and kneeled down and placed it on her forehead. I picked up my phone and called Maddie.

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