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Ford's P.O.V.

"What took you so long?" I complained to my friend Dean.

"There's something we call traffic," he said sarcastically.I rolled my eyes and just entered his car. We're now on our way to the Mall of Asia Arena to watch the UAAP because Finn, our friend, suggested that we should go to support our friends who are participating in the game, Sho and Wade.

If I know, He just wants to see good looking varsity players.

(The UAAP, or University Athletic Association of the Philippines, is a sports organization in the Philippines which holds and regulates interuniversity athletics competitions among colleges throughout the country. The member universities are prestigious institutions, and they participate in a large variety of sports including basketball, volleyball, football, swimming, track & field as well as many others.)

After spending what felt like an eternity on the road, we finally reached MOA Arena. As we pulled into the parking area, Dean attentively scanned the surroundings, searching for a spot to park his car. Navigating through the lanes, he finally saw a spot. Just as he was about to maneuver into the parking spot, the sudden appearance of another car, carelessly veering dangerously close to Dean's car, sent frustration coursing through him. His irritation flared, evident in the furrowed brow.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" he angrily exclaimed. I was about to calm him down because, knowing Dean, he really has a short temper. However, I was already too late because he had now gotten out of his car, and all I could do was to follow him. I wasn't wrong because he was now arguing with a guy.

For a moment, I would like to appreciate his features. He looked like a hunk model straight out of a magazine with his tanned skin that made him really attractive. He had thickened eyebrows, brown eyes, a sharp nose, and small yet red lips. As I scanned him, my eyes landed on his shirt, and I grimaced when I realized he came from De La Salle University, which makes him our rival.

A Lasallian boy, for sure he's a high-maintenance person.

"I told you I didn't mean to. I'm sorry—"

"I don't care about your sorry. My point is, I came first, and you are trying to steal my spot. You were about to scratch my car!"

"I'll just pay for the damage, okay?" He calmly said, but Dean remained annoyed.

Dean was about to burst again when I intervened, "Uh, hi, I'm his friend. What if I give you my friend's phone number, and you can settle things with him privately?"

"Yeah, sure."


"Stop!" I warned Dean. He was about to say something, but I glared at him. In the end, he was left with no choice.

After resolving the issue with Julian, the Lasallian guy, I ushered Dean inside because we were well aware that the game had already begun, and we were running late. Upon entering, we scanned the surroundings to locate our friends, spotting them in the fifth row of the bleachers.

Making our way to them, Finn scolded us as soon as we arrived.

"Why did it take you so long?" Finn greeted us with a furrowed brow.

"It's because Dean had a confrontation in the parking lot," I replied.

"It's not my fault! I arrived first, didn't I?"

"Hot-headed as always," Finn mumbled. "Just sit down; the second quarter is already over."

Dean and I settled into our seats on the bleachers and focused on the game. I winced when I saw UST's score.

They were trailing...

Ateneo - 45

UST - 29

"A blowout?"

"Yeah, Sho has been in a bad mood since earlier. Wade is trying to calm him down after their break. The Blue Eagle's new captain is playing exceptionally well today."

"Who?" Dean asked

Cooper said, "They say Gadiel Estrella, from BS Biology."

"There he is," Ford pointed with his nose toward the court, so I immediately looked.

A guy wearing their jersey with the number 13 and wearing a white knee brace was sprinting towards the hoop. A guy with curly hair named Valdez, donning the number 2, called out to him and passed the ball. As soon as he received the ball, he jumped and successfully made the shot.

His lips instantly curved into a smile, broad and cheerful, showcasing a row of sparkling white teeth.

He's cute!!

I didn't realize that I was already smiling too... There I was, hooked by his charms.


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