Chapter 13- the 4 on 4 match

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As the team headed on in for the final round of the tournament the team had a shock when they found out who their opponents were they knew exactly who was going into this battle Yugi, Jaden, Chazz and Alexis
"How are they still in this?!"
Slade and Jagger explain how they bought their way back in and asked Rex and Weevil to team up for revenge.

As the battle got under way everyone tried their hardest to make sure the start of the battle swayed into their favour until only two remained on each team those two consisted of Yugi and Jaden vs Slade and Jagger Yugi played the Dark Magician the heared the words "from my hand I activate the magic card Polymerisation!" Jaden fuses Dark Magician with Elemental Hero Neos to form Elemrntal Hero Dark Sorcerer he uses the special effect to destroy any card without elemental hero in its name and then attacks Slade and jagger directly causing them to lose the final. Jaden the went to collect the Egyptian God cards Chazz stated he is the most powerful kid in the school but hands them over to Yugi
"I don't need these Yu!"
"Why thank you Jaden"
Yugi decides to stay around for awhile and Joey agrees
"Come here Jay" Alexis says as she pulls Jaden towards and kisses him
So Yugi and Joey plan on staying around here things are gonna get interesting for my niece and her boyfriend as they have new friends as for Slade and Jagger it's time to make sure they never buy into anything at my school again
"Well Yugi things are goin to get interesting around so..." Jaden says
"GET YOUR GAME ON " everyone yells

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