why is it cold?

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why does it feel warm? Am I bleeding? Why does my body hurt?  "STAY WITH ME A LITTLE LONGER PLEASE.....I DIDNT MEAN FOR THIS TO HAPPEN!"

....why does it smell...like....like ..... gasoline....


I think I'll close my eyes for a bit....let the warmth enclose me....yes...I'll be fine...

'beep' .... 'beep' .... 'beep'.....

Why is it so cold? Where am I?  Who am I??? Why can't I move!? HELLO?! HELP!  SOMEONE PLEASE! HELP!!!


A nurse came running in.

"It's ok miss calm down you'll be fine..here let me help." She took off a mask from my face and then I could speak, I could smell I could feel and smell and taste things that I couldn't before. 

"Where am I? Who am I? How did I end up here!?"  All these questions came flooding out the second inknowbi could talk again.

"Miss, I'm sorry to inform you but your in the West Wing Hospital of Limbano" said the young nurse who seemed to be no older than 35. " Sadly we don't know who you are. Your finger prints have been burned off and you lost your left arm. An anonymous person brought you here and we found your ID card all ruined, we would only make out the R in your name and your in room 054. That's all the infor we has e Hun I'm sorry." She said in a loving tone.

"thank you," I said in a sad pathetic voice. Resting and laying there as the nurse checked my vitals and left to go inform the doctor.

I had no name, memory or recollection of what happened. * How did I lose my arm ?" "How did I lose my arm?'  ...... 'where even is the is the hospital of Limbano located?

It's all a blur to me. I don't even know the date or the time or what month it is. Everything is just missing.

.....who am I? And why is it so cold?

Hi hi my name's neon or ash it doesn't really matter. I'm the author of this book? Istory I guess you can call it. It's not complet so I will be making this story up as time goes. I will inform you guys that I'm still in school so update will be very laggy. Lol I apologize for that. But yeah I hope some of you guys enjoy this story and I do plan on animating this in the future and all that fancy stuff but ya. Hope u guys have a good day/night and yeah :> thank you guys for reading things.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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