Chapter 2: Year 4

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We get to the platform and Draco says goodbye to his parents, I do as I do every year which is stand awkwardly behind them as they hug. Narcissa gives me a hug like she normally does, "I hope you have a good term my love. It should be easy I hope. We will see you at Christmas." I give her a small smile and nod. I tend to just not speak much to the Malfoys, but Narcissa is actually good. I was about to turn to walk towards the train when Lucius puts his hand on my shoulder, "Be on the lookout for my owls this year girl. We have important things to discuss." I look up and nod, terrified out of my mind. What does that even mean, he never says anything to me, hardly acknowledges me. The only reason he puts up with me is because of who my father was, is, who knows anymore if he is even alive. I push those thoughts out of my mind and hop of the train.

I look around until I find the compartment with Draco in it. As much as I don't like him, when we were 11 Lucius told me I have to stick by him. So here I was, 3 years later, in a compartment with Draco, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zambini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Daphne Greengrass. I open the door and am bombarded by Daphne who pulls me into the tightest of hugs, "Emilia! How are you? How was your summer? Draco said you were at the World Cup but left before the commotion, are you alright?" This group of people are the only ones who know who my father is, seeing as their parents are all his followers, so her question is valid I suppose. "My summer was good Daph. Nothing too exciting happened other than the World Cup. Malfoy and I left before the mark was shot in the air. I am fine, just someone probably playing a prank honestly. I am not too worried about it." She looks like she is about to pelt me with more questions but Draco stops her, "Good god Greengrass, give it a rest. She is not interesting at all so just leave her be. Come talk to me, I will tell you all about my summer," he's sitting and smirking at us. I glare at him as Daphne makes her way over to him. Seeing them in such close proximity sparks something in me. Anger? Hatred? Jealousy? No - not that last one. I am just mad at Draco for pulling my friend away from me.

I shake my head and pop out of the compartment and start towards the restroom. I don't get very far before I run into someone, "Oh god, sorry!" I look up and see a tall boy with bronze hair smiling at me, "No worries, my mistake, I wasn't looking at where I was going. I'm Cedric. Cedric Diggory, I'm in Hufflepuff." He extends his hand to me and is smiling. I shake it and reply, "Well, hi Cedric, I'm Emilia Rosewood. Slytherin if you couldn't tell by the robes." He laughs and says, "Trust me Emilia, I know who you are. I'm pretty sure every boy at Hogwarts knows the beautiful Emilia Rosewood." I feel myself turn pink and give him a small smile, "Uh, thanks I think? I'm sorry but I have to go." I suddenly have forgotten all about my need for the loo. As I turn around, I see Draco in the hallway, watching me, with a frown on his face. I just roll my eyes and walk past him, or at least, I try to. He grabs my arm and whispers, "You know, you can't be talking to a Hufflepuff, let alone a seventh year. If you go near him again, I will write to my father. We both know he won't like that," he's smirking at the last part, like he hasn't been there when his father was hitting me or using the cruciatus curse on me. I glare at him, yank away, and say; "You don't control me Malfoy. Tell me what to do again, and it will be the last thing you do."

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