ch 12

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It was now time for a vacation.  I was sad that Adrian couldn't come but that was fine with me . I can't ask him to be with me all the time .
But deep down I did feel a bit lonley . I pack my suit case and follow alya and marinette towards the airport . As I go sit down with marinette alya pulls me away .
"I'm sorry could u sit with someone else plsss" she tells me. Confused I go sit with some stranger as there was no more left . I turn around to see who marinette sat with and find Adrian sitting with her.
Now it made sense why alya pushed me away hmm. Alya sees me looking and smiles at me and also wink . I just give a thumbs up to her.
"Hey what's ur name " the stranger asks me . "I'm y/n" I tell him. "Hahha nice name . I'm Christ nice to meet u " He introduce himself . Not gonna lie this American dude was kinda good looking. 
We talk stuff for a few hours and then we just watch some movies by ourself. 
I get up and head towards the washroom .
As I finished my business I hear Adrian's voice . I lean against the wall to hear him. "It's so pretty " He says . "Ya ur pretty I...uh I mean the outside u  no I mean the sky ya sky . " someone replies . I guess thatbwas marinette. 
I go out the washroom when alya bumps into me so I fall down . As soon as I fall down Adrian comes towards me . He helps me up and I could find everyone looking at me as If I just ruined there moment . I means it's not my fault that alya just bumped into me .
I get up and marinette asks me if I'm fine . I simply nod and go back to my seat pushing everyone out of my way .
I could see Adrian looking at me worried but I couldn't say anything at that time .

We reach new York and wear assigned to our rooms . "U guys have lights out from 8 pm so go back to ur rooms now " the witch instructs us . Before I go back Adrian pulls me to tye side where no one was there. "Y/n are u ok love " He asks.  "I'm fine don't worry . I know it was there fault to begain with " i assure him . Before he could say anything more two girls find us .
"Oh sorry did we disturb anything" they say . "No it's ok " Adrian replies . "I'm tired after the long journey so I think I'll head back first " I say and run off.

This was weird I mean I don't know what's wrong with me . When I heard marinette back then I felt angrey annoyed or maybe irritated.  I don't know this feeling and I didn't like it . I go back to my room and alaya and marinette asks me to join them . I was not in a mood to party so I decline them and just go to sleep.
I could here the loud music and noise but I just covered my ears with the pillow and went off to sleep .

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