ch 17

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Y/ns pov:

Me and merinette got inside the class we saw everyone in different sits. Marinette rushed over to alya whike I went towards Adrian.  "Good Moro:)" I greeted him."Good morning love " He wishpered almost back to me .
Just then the teacher came in . "Everyone lyla is back from her vacation so pls welcome her back" she informs us. Oh that's was right we had a student named Liela I heard she lied about being friends with ladybug .
Marinette hates her and I understand she does sounds very ....lame. it's quite obvious actually that she lies but I dont know why others don't get it .
"Wait why do I...well me and y/n have to sit back?" Marinette asks . "Well do u have any earing or seeing issues" the teacher asks."It's OK I understand I will go sit at the back . I mean I did come in between the year and it's quite a change for Marinette and y/n" liela explains.
"I ...don't have any problems " marinette gives in as everyone stares at us.
Wait a min I never said anything here why is my name coming up . Oh well

It was lunch break and I was with alya Nino and marinette.  "Trust me she's a lier even y/n belive me " marinette talks . We see everyone standing over liela treating her like a queen serving food like slaves.
"Dumb peopel " I say in chinese wich somehow was heard by a passing by Adrian.  He giggled with what I said and walked out of the cafeteria.  I wanted to follow him and talk but I couldn't since marinette dragged me with her to sit down .
"I'll show u proof " she says and takes a tissue paper and makes a ball out of it.
She throws it at liela and she catches it. "HA!!! . See I knew it she was lying about her waist hurting. " as she said it everyone else gasped.
" when I was in India someone hurt there eyes whike throwing paper and I was just worried ......" she blabers more lies .
When she finally finishes with her explanation I start laughing.  Everyone looks at me . "Why are u laughing " juliea asks "hurt his eyes I'm sorry but if Lie-la hadn't caught it then the soft tissue paper would have hit his stomach not his eyes to begain with and sureeee ur arms hurt after marinette pointed out " I explain but it seems no one concentrated .
"Well that was that" I say to which marinette puts her hand on my shoulder. " It's ok" she comforts me.
Obviously we both were angrie but it was marinette mostly.

I get up and head to the restroom and when I'm done I hear liela and merinette. 
"I'll take everything from u Adrian and ur friends all" I hear. I get out and push liela away from marinette.  "Ugh ouch~" she yells Obviously it was purposely.  I rolled my eyes as she got in front of me now. " u both will pay for this . It's either u work for me or against me " she says . Before she continues I slap her and marinette gasps .
For my luck that's when everyone came in to see .
"Y/n !!! Why did u do that. Ur so evil" " ur so mean " "poor liela" they all start .
"Hold on it was not what u think . We...." marinette tried to explain but no one cared they were to busy blaming me and caring liela .
Just then Adrian rushed in worried but when he looked at liela hurt he sighed . "U ok" He wishpered.  I nod assured that he dosnt belive that liela .
They all get out to help liela . "Adrian can u pls help me find my bag I think I kept my medicine there" liela asks and he agrees to help her.
I didn't like it that he was helping but I'm also sure he had no choice there since he's too kind.
Marinette starts to burn from the anger but then we see an Akuma.  "Marinette don't worry Clam down . I'm sure it won't affect u if ur positive " I assure her and she does calm off. The Akuma just Flys off. " we can't let it go like that.
Go find ladybug I'll go thus way u go that way" she says and I do that.

When I was searching for the Akuma I see liela with it . "Liela don't " I yell ." Hmph" she says . Just after she transforms she gets closer to me. "Y/n I'm sorry for what u said . Pls forgive me " she says and kisses my cheeks before I could react .
I suddenly feel sleepy and go unconscious. 

After a while I get up in one of the locker . I try and get out and hear snores which sounded familiar.  I open the Locke beside me and see an sleepy Adrian and plag . "Uh what are u doing plag" I ask. "Um ntg ntg. ..good thing ur here.  U can kiss him to wake him up" He says embarrassed. 
That did make sense tho . I pull him out and try to kiss his lips . But just when I was going too he wakes up. "Ah!" I yell and fall off dragging him with me .
"Were u trying to kiss me princess " He says laughing.  "That's what plag said to me . He said u would wake up " I explain embarrassed. 
"Well even tho I'm awake I still feel sleepy . Why don't u kiss me now " He mentions.
"No not here what if someone sees. Don't u have to turn into cat nior" I start to blaber.
Adrian picks me up from the floor and imidately kisses me to shut my blabbering.  When we cut off I hit his chest " u naughty cat" I say to which he giggled.  "Alright now stay here I'll go save Paris and be right back" He says and kisses my forehead and leaves.
"That flirty kitty ......of mine hehe" I say to myself in chinese .

The classes ended and me and marinette where on our way back home."y/n marinette have u made ur choices" liela asks . We both nod "we prefer not lying" I say.  "Well that's too bad now I will take awya Adrian and all ur friends " she threatens us. "U can try " marinette says and we leave her.

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