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"I will never forget what he said to me, not for the rest of my life.

He said: 'I know that what you're going to sing is very difficult, but understand that l've never been able to explain what happened between us. I'm not a man of many words, everything I have to say can be found in a song. Everything that I have written in that song is about us, I know that, but I feel just as miserable as you and there are a lot more people on this planet who have experienced a similar thing. I also would like to say that you can come out of all this as a winner, as long as you think positive. And if you just don't bother anymore, then you'll never resolve anything.'

I thought that was very sweet of him. There are more songs on the album 'Super Trouper' that refer to our divorce, but we both have something to deal with."

- Agnetha
"ABBA's Agnetha and the Year of Truth"
Muziek Parade

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