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Desiree's stomach dropped at her words. It took Andrew a moment to process what was just said and he slowly turned to her. "What is she talking about?"

"Might as well tell him, now."

Eleanor sounded a little too happy for Desiree's liking. "I don't know."

"I dislike lying," Matilda informed her. "If you want me to help your friend, you shouldn't be dishonest within my oasis."

"Eleanor is dead, though," Desiree insisted. "In every way that matters, she's dead."


Matilda considered her. "You seem to actually believe that, so I guess you're not really lying."

"What did you mean about her dying, but not me?" Desiree asked, trying to change the subject. "She's already dead, so what would happen exactly?"

"Her consciousness still exists," Matilda explained. "It has since you were born, even if you weren't aware of it. She was always a part of you, but that part will die if you don't do as Andrew has said."

"And what would that mean for me?"

"You would continue on with your life, bearing no further connection to Eleanor."

Desiree felt a fear she knew wasn't her own. "I don't want to fade away. You wouldn't let that happen, would you?"

While it would make her life simpler, Desiree didn't have the heart to do such a thing. Despite what she'd said, Eleanor felt somewhat alive. She still had thoughts and feelings. Desiree couldn't just erase her from existence.

"So Eleanor still exists in this world?" Andrew asked.

"Yes! I'm here!"

"Very much so," Matilda answered. "I expect she was fairly dormant until recently, but she was still there."

"Until recently?" he echoed before turning to Desiree once more. "Did something happen recently?"

"Please tell him," Eleanor begged. "If you're planning to kill me, at least let him know I'm here first."

"I'm not planning to let Eleanor die," Desiree assured him, figuring that might make her chill out, too. She wanted to tell him nothing had changed, but figured that would upset Matilda.

"Would you like me to make her dormant, again?" Matilda asked. "It's within my power."

Desiree stopped. That was what she wanted, but saying so would mean admitting Eleanor wasn't dormant, which would raise more questions from Andrew.

"Dormant is better than gone," Eleanor said. "I won't argue if that's what you want to do, but it looks like you'll have to tell him everything if you agree to it. I don't understand why you're hesitating so much."

Why was she hesitating? Would it really be such a disaster if he knew? Was she honestly just trying to protect his feelings? Deep-down, she knew that wasn't it. If she told Andrew that Eleanor was conscious, she didn't think he'd ever see them as separate people. He would never look at her as herself. However, this would likely be the only chance she had to reclaim her own mind. Was the secret really worth having another voice in her head for the rest of her life?

"You can return her to how she was?" Desiree asked at last.

"I can and I can make sure she stays that way."

"How is she now?" Andrew demanded.

"She's awake," Desiree admitted. "She's talking to me and confusing my feelings with hers. It just started yesterday, though. I wasn't sure if I should tell you."

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