Poker Face

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Desiree couldn't sleep that night. She wanted to argue with Eleanor, but that was impossible. Her thoughts were spinning in every direction and she couldn't focus on one thing.

She was angry. She knew that much, at least. She was angry that Andrew had brought his wife back and she was her in some way. She was angry that Eleanor had, apparently, agreed to this. Andrew had explained how they'd discussed it and she was fine with the idea of being reincarnated in a healthy body. Desiree was angry that Eleanor hadn't considered how that might affect the person she was reincarnated into.

Desiree was also confused by what this all meant. How much did that magic affect who she was? If they hadn't done that, would it mean she hadn't been born or would she have just been born with a different face and her own soul? Would there be some completely different girl named Desiree in the world? Had their magic stopped that child from being born in order to make room for her?

Desiree sat up, realizing sleep was impossible. She got dressed and headed outside, wondering if she'd be able to find Sebastian in the greenhouse, as usual. She realized she probably shouldn't see him after what had transpired between them, but she also knew seeing him was the only way she could relax.

She had the driver take her to the garden and waited until he was gone before heading straight for the greenhouse. She grabbed the door to pull it open, but it didn't budge.

"It's locked."

She looked towards the voice, which was coming from around the side of the greenhouse. "Sebastian?"

She started to walk towards him.

"You should stay there," he told her. "Probably best we're not seen together right now."

She frowned but stopped where she was. "Why are you there?"

"When I realized it was locked, I figured I should wait in case you came, but I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be seen."

"Why is the greenhouse locked?"

"I don't know for sure, but I expect the master doesn't want us meeting there anymore."

A cold breeze blew, making her shiver. "That's dumb."

"Is it? I can understand him wanting to keep us apart. He's more perceptive than you seem to realize."

She leaned against the greenhouse door, longing for the warmth inside. "It's not really fair, though. We didn't do anything wrong and there's no reason why you shouldn't be allowed in there."

"He doesn't want to lose you. I can understand that."

"I'm not his to lose," she argued.

"You should head back to the house. It's cold tonight."

"Are you not cold?"

"I don't really feel the cold."

Desiree shivered again. "Must be nice."

"You should go back."

"Why do you spend so much time in the greenhouse?" She'd never bothered to ask before, but it felt important, now that they were facing the possibility of him being locked out indefinitely.

It took a moment for him to answer. "At my previous residence, I was kept locked inside all the time. For years, I wasn't able to see the stars. I'm nervous about being outside too much, but I want to be able to see the sky. The greenhouse has a glass roof, so I'm able to see the stars while still being safe inside. That's all."

Desiree wanted to hug him, but she forced herself to stay where she was. "I'm sorry."

"You did nothing wrong."

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