episode 48 (introduction)

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Scientist POV

I would be fighting. "these stupid parasites! Stupid speaker titan getting infected, were all dead!" As I would say fighting, I would take out my anti parasite gun and uninfected a infected large cam, 10 seconds earlier I just saw a large cameraman kamikaze a flying toilet. The large cam just killed 2 toilet, I would turn around when... a FLYING BUZZSAW TOILET!? Suddenly I saw him stop and start screaming in pain while he tries to move? I can't move either! Suddenly I saw a traffic light head man? He had a blue suit, Red and green tie. He gave me a device? Suddenly it attached to my head! It hurt, it went inside my screen. But I can move now "Who the fuck are you!? Well, thanks for saving me I guess." I guess he doesn't have something for large units as the large cam had to wait.

Traffic light man POV

I would manipulate a large camera head to kamikaze into a toilet, well, better start helping, if I save someone then it'll repay killing another person. Well, time to use a red light, I would teleport down, then I would use my red light to freeze everyone, SHIT WE DONT HAVE ANYTHING FOR LARGE UNITS. Welp, I would give the lenses to a scientist and flush the flying buzz saw toilet. I would then flip the buzz saw toilet off right before flushing him. Well, after deactivating the red light they would be shocked, and the cameraman and others who was watching the scientist feed, was shocked probably. How would I know, but I'm guessing.

tv screens, cctv cameras, speaker, and... traffic lights? (swear warning)Where stories live. Discover now