You raise an eyebrow, "Yes? And? You don't need to add the extra pomp, just get to the point."

He blushes a little, clearly embarrassed that he was building it up so much. "Right! Sorry.. Old habit... I was gonna say, his robots have to have some kind of internal safeguard against the emerald's power, otherwise they would malfunction. But it also has to be an insulated system so they don't add interference to the emerald's energy. Do you follow?"

You squint your eyes, trying to process the information in your exhaustion. "Yeah- More or less. Basically the robots can come and go because they're protected, and their protection still allows the emerald's power to flow unhindered.." Your eyes shift a little, "Did- did I get that right..?"

He looks at you with a warm smile, his tone lighter. "You really are super smart, East..."

You blink a few times, curling your lip as you looked at the other. "Umm... Thanks? But that didn't really answer my question..."

He chuckles lightly, "Yeah, you nailed it! The long and short is we can use the robots as shields and sneak in undetected. I doubt Eggman's had enough time to figure out how to properly scan for intruders inside of the blocked fields. If he could we would already be caught by now."

You think quietly for a moment, "But by that standard wouldn't that also mean the robots inside will still be an issue? Since they're not using.. umm... radio waves to detect us I mean."

"See? You get it!" He laughs gently, his face conveying that despite the circumstance he was actually enjoying going over strategy with you. "Business as usual with them, so I'll be counting on you to get us in and out quietly!"

You can't help but give in to his eyes as you feel your body relax briefly. "Aren't you talking this a little too lightly? This is a pretty big deal, for all we know we're walking to our dooms. That's pretty intimidating don't you think?" You tilt your head to the side, one of your ears tilting sideways as well.

He shakes his head gently, "I'm used to it at this point, probably not the best but I'm usually good at keeping a level head. Besides, I trust that you'll keep me safe! I'm not worried for me really, only you..." That may have been a little too direct but he didn't care, it had been a long night already.

"...oh." You look for any other words but nothing came to mind, the other's expression remaining bubbly as he gazed at you. Probably better not to read into it too much, you could reflect after the operation was a success. "Umm... We can double back to the- shore..." Probably not though, it was long gone, your sense of direction failing as you tried to recall where the two of you even ran in from.

Tails nods as you hesitate, "Away we go then! I think I remember the way back but you can take lead if you want."

You looked at him quietly in disbelief, how did he retain that information in the heat of the moment? You were good yourself, but not THAT good. "I think I'll follow your lead for a change, it got us out alive not long ago so maybe that'll continue."

Based on Tails' discretion the two of you retrace your steps to the place you called a battlefield not long ago. The scattered remains of robots still littered the ground, the ones that Tails smashed too dented to make heads or tails of how to get to their internal workings. Going further back you find a few that you had taken down, their bodies heavily dented but still intact enough to pop their heads off and get a look into the insides. It was hard to see what he was doing but Tails seemed confident as he dug through the mess of wires and motherboards. He pulled a small gray box out of the mech along with several feet of wire before moving onto the next and repeating the process. It didn't take long before he got done, the two of you finding a hiding spot in the brush before he started tinkering with the bits and pieces.

Allies (Tails x Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now