31: Twilight of the Elvenkind

Start from the beginning

Legolas dismounted with an elven grace, delving into his saddlebags to retrieve something. Xena watched, her gaze flickering around the dark forest, the sense of being watched never quite leaving her.

"Are you skilled in the art of ascending trees?" Legolas' question snapped her attention back to him. His face was serious, devoid of any jest.

"I can climb a tree," Xena replied, slightly puzzled. "But how will that help us?"

Legolas didn't answer. Instead, he approached the tallest tree nearby, a massive sentinel that stretched high above the rest. With an effortless leap, he began to ascend, moving with such fluidity and ease it was as if the laws of gravity had loosened their grip on him.

Xena didn't hesitate. She took a running start, her movements a blend of power and grace. In a swift motion, she executed a flip, propelling herself upwards and bypassing several feet of climbing in a single bound. Her landing on a branch was silent, a testament to her own warrior's skill.

Legolas shot her a brief glance, a silent acknowledgment of her prowess, but his expression quickly shifted to one of caution, signaling her to maintain silence.

Together, they climbed higher, the oppressive darkness of the forest floor giving way to a lighter canopy above. Breaking through the final layer of leaves, they were greeted by a rush of fresh air, a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere below.

The view from the treetop was both breathtaking and revealing. The forest spread out in all directions, a sea of green and shadow, but from this vantage point, they could discern a clearer path forward. The fresh air seemed to cleanse their lungs, infusing a sense of clarity and purpose.

Legolas and Xena perched on a sturdy branch, their eyes scanning the horizon. They sat in silence, each lost in thought, but the shared experience of reaching the treetop forged a subtle bond between them. For a moment, the weight of their journey seemed lighter, the path ahead less daunting.

As they prepared to descend, the reality of their situation set back in. But for that brief moment atop the world of Mirkwood, they had found a rare instance of peace in a land that promised none.

As they both breathed in the untainted air atop the forest canopy, a rare moment of tranquility enveloped them. Legolas, usually reserved and distant, turned towards Xena with a purposeful look. Their interactions, sparse and necessary, had not prepared her for the elf's sudden directive.

"Remove your vest," Legolas commanded crisply, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that bordered on impatience. "And turn around."

Xena, taken aback by the abrupt request, shot back with a mix of incredulity and annoyance. "What has gotten into you? You want me to undress up here, in a tree?"

Legolas, unfazed by her reaction, maintained his stoic demeanor. "I need to inspect your wound, you foolish human," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of irritation that was uncharacteristic of him.

Realizing the practicality behind his request, Xena acquiesced, albeit grudgingly. She turned her back to him and began to remove her vest. "We could have done this on solid ground, you know," she muttered under her breath.

Legolas, focusing on his task, replied curtly, "There are reasons for my actions." Carefully, he untied the bandage, revealing the healing wound. His fingers worked deftly, applying athelas with a gentle touch that contrasted sharply with his usual distant manner. The difference in his touch, so distinct from a human's, did not escape Xena's notice.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Legolas surprisingly engaged in conversation. "Up here, we're unseen, and the air is cleaner. Isn't that reason enough?" he said, his tone softer as he finished tending to her wound and helped her adjust her shirt back in place.

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