Chapter 1 [Journey's Beginning]

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The Hollow Knight stepped out of the Temple of the Black Egg, leaning on their nail and dragging the remains of their chains. They saw a small bug on the ground near them, holding a needle and dressed in red. The figure seemed to jump in surprise upon seeing them.

"Who are you?" The small figure asked.

The Hollow Knight looked quizzically at the small figure and tilted their head slightly, not seeming to understand.

"Who are you?" The Hollow Knight repeated the figure's question in confusion.

"Me? I am Hornet, protector of these lands. What of you?"

"Me..?" The Hollow Knight said, thinking about what the strange being had called them earlier.

[Flashback] ( when the Higher Being was talking to the Hollow Knight about whether or not they wanted to continue living and what Soulapis can do )

"Hello there, friend." A voice said out of nowhere,

"Friend..?" The Hollow Knight was very confused.

"I would say that we'd be friends, if you'd want to be. Oh right, you barely know what words mean. You, or the Hollow Knight, is what others call you. Me or I, is what you call yourself."

[Flashback Ends]

"Me.. friend. The Hollow Knight."

Hornet looked up at the tall, gangly figure that had emerged from the Black Egg, her gaze one of curiosity. The figure turned to look at her, their head tilted at a confused angle. Hornet found herself wondering at the mysterious being, the Hollow Knight as she had learned they were called.

The Hollow Knight straightened themselves with a grunt, before taking a step forward and speaking in a soft, monotone voice.

"Hornet... friend?"

Hornet's mind whirled with questions. What a strange bug, She thought to herself. It seems they've finally been released from their duty..

Suddenly, the Knight/Ghost appeared in a puff of dust behind Hornet, she jumped slightly, startled.

"Who- Ah, hello there, Little Ghost. I was not expecting to appear so suddenly."

The Hollow Knight was even more confused now, looking down at the two small figures.

"This is the Hollow Knight, Ghost. I presume you have not met them before?" Hornet turned to look at the Knight.

"Uh.. I do know we're siblings."

Hornet was startled, since the Knight usually can't really talk.

Wait, since when did that Little Ghost talk? She thought to herself. Hornet looked up again at the Hollow Knight, her eyes taking in the large, gangly figure, towering over her, yet so unassuming. The Hollow Knight turned to look at Ghost, now with genuine curiosity in their eyes.

"Sibling..?" The Hollow Knight tilted their head, curious.

Hornet turned back to Ghost, noticing how much smaller they were than the Hollow Knight. Huh.. I seem to have forgotten about that for a moment. How can Little Ghost talk now? This is all very strange.. The Infection has been purged too.. Perhaps they succeed and defeated the heart of the infection..

"So you're the Hollow Knight.. huh," Ghost/the Knight murmured.

"You.. sibling..?" The Hollow Knight looked at Ghost.

"Yup, we're siblings. I'm Ghost, nice to meet you, Hollow Knight."


"..They don't really know how to talk, do they?" Hornet looked at Ghost, waiting for their answer.

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