Author's Notes

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So! This is an AU, which means Alternate Universe. (If you don't like this AU in particular, you don't have to read the story.)

Note: Story contains !spoilers! for the game Hollow Knight and its endings!

(So does basically all the text after this sentence, I know most fans of Hollow Knight probably know all the endings, lore and stuff, but just a warning if you don't!)

Some Context:

1. This all is (supposed to) take place after the Delicate Flower ending.

(Or you can interpret it as from the Dream No More ending, that Hornet walks outside the Black Egg and the Knight and THK poof from nowhere)

(It's also possible to interpret this from the Embrace the Void ending, that after the Void explodes from Godseeker it disappears and then the events of the story happen.)

2. This is an AU

This is an AU, so you don't necessarily have to agree with the story or AU.

3. This is a WIP (work in progress)

This is currently being updated every few days, so please be patient!

About this AU:

{NOTE: The following is really lengthy, and mostly just provides context to the AU. You don't have to read it. This is just an information dump about the AU, which is something you might not wanna read when starting a story.}

TDLR: Radiance ded (infection too), Void disappeared? (is hiding?), the Knight & the Hollow Knight are alive, but not really filled Void anymore (A thingy called Soulapis now I guess)

Takes place after Delicate Flower Ending, or not (Whatever you decided to interpret it as, the DNM or ETV endings)

1. All Void, Infection, and the Radiance have basically disappeared (Yeah I know, bummer.)


So I figured that since the Radiance and Void contradict each other and are practically opposites and mortal enemies, they basically balance each other. So when one disappears so does the other (y'know, in order to balance out.) So the two won't be really involved in the story other than in flashbacks. (The Void, depending on which ending you're interpreting this from [including main story/Delicate Flower ending] likes to linger a bit after Radiance disappears.)

(If you're interpreting this from the DNM ending, after the siblings/other vessels go to rest, Void goes to rest too, if you're wondering how TK and THK are alive, answers lie ahead)

(If you're interpreting this from the ETV ending, the Void lingers for a little bit [Void-y Godseeker thing] before also vanishing like said above [after the ending cutscene]. If your also wondering that if all Void is gone, how are TK and THK alive, answers lie ahead.)

(If you're just reading along with the story [Delicate Flower ending] and not interpreting it from the other endings then Void just disappears in the bright explosion from the flower, the explanation about how TK and THK are alive lies right ahead)

(Now obviously, not all Void disappears overnight, so there might still be some left I guess. Maybe in the Abyss? Maybe the Shades? Shade Lord? Tehe ;D)

2. No more Void :( (sorta)


TK and THK don't have Void in them anymore. They're filled with something else now.

Hollow Knight (AU): A Vast New World of WonderWhere stories live. Discover now