20. the raid [part 1]

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Updated: 5/24/2024

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Updated: 5/24/2024

Part 1

The raiding party was small. It consisted of the three royals, Reepicheep, Grearsphin, Mageen, and a small assortment of other creatures. Their mission was simple: sneak in, steal the wagons, and get out. When they arrived, the horses would be repurposed to pull the wagons and the children would disperse at camp to make sure they stayed unnoticed.

The apprehension polluted the air, causing everyone to grow tense and for Briar to feel lightheaded. She continued to clutch her crossbow, as though if she squeezed it hard enough, the loud thumping of her heart would subside. Once the trees began to thin, their formation tightened instinctively. The night was still, the forest frozen in time.

Grey haze peered through the canopy, providing the group's only source of light. Clouds laid like a blanket across the sky, providing cover of darkness for the raid--but also for outsiders. They can't see, but us animals can, Reepicheep had said.

Angelina, Briar stretched her mind out, closing her eyes. Are you there?

The lack of distraction made it easy to focus. She pushed her thoughts downward, letting them spiral and sweep through the rolling forests, feeling–hunting–for the connecting thread. After a moment, it snagged on a small energy, not far away. The other end of the connection fastened its hold, tightening the line, accepting the cognitive invitation.

I am, came Angelina's voice. My father sent me to escort the wagons. Briar, you won't believe what I have to tell you. So much has happened in the last few hours, I–

"Everyone, scrape together now." Reepicheep called, startling her. Briar's concentration snapped like a twig. It left her head buzzing. She rubbed her temples. The mouse captain's voice echoed apparently in the crisp, night air.

Briar joined Susan and Edmund as they all huddled together. Grearsphin and Mageen were panting, she noticed. Mageen stepped forward, his eyes gleaming.

"They're not far up ahead," he reported. "There are two trains, each with three wagons, about several lengths apart. There are six soldiers; two on each side, one in the back, and one driving the train; it's exactly as Her Highness said." The wolf acknowledged Briar with a respectful nod.

"We only need the last three," Reepicheep said confidently. "You all know the plan. Stick to it, regroup at the lower east tail of the river. Good luck. Oh, and stay alert," he added. His small, black eyes darted in Briar's direction.

Briar gave him the slightest dip of her chin in acknowledgement; she knew what he meant. Gratitude swelled in her chest for the mouse for not stating her telepathy outright.

She glanced over at the others, just in time to see Susan's crystal, blue eyes flicker away from her, with a slight furrow to her brow. Edmund stood next to his sister, focused, his jaw tightly set. When Reepicheep and Peepiceek disappeared into the sea of bushes, his attention drew to the others–and eventually on Briar. Their eyes locked.

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