3. untried but true

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Edited: 9/24/2023

Year 2298 - 5 Years Before

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Year 2298 - 5 Years Before

Her fingers delicately brushed the white petunias that were lined neatly in rows. Her long hair swept along the back of her shoulder blades, free of its former braids. Nearby, a book was laid on the bench, left open and completely abandoned.

It was just another day for the girl, walking around in the garden. She ran amongst the dark green grasses, straying off of the path to examine the few young trees planted nearby. All of the foliage and greenery were organized into planters or caged by black fences. None of the flora bore color, except for the deep evergreen of the grass. But alas, even the grass was faded.

To her, she was in a vast wood, with large, ancient trees spread endlessly in every direction. She could hear the foliage crunching beneath her bare feet and smell the dampness of leftover morning dew and earth. Birds would be chirping overhead, the wind rustling the leaves in ocean-like waves. Sunlight would dapple the forest floor through the canopy, golden and beautiful. Vibrant colors would be candy to the eye, wildflowers of every shape, size, and hue dancing across the ground.

And Briar, she would be the Queen of it all, the ruler of this beautiful, colorful world.


Of course, there would also be a King; her brother, naturally.

"Happy birthday!" A boy with shoulder-length, black hair ran towards her, his tunic billowing in the wind, before he swept her up in his arms. For a moment, the two children looked as though they had merged into one, with their identical ashen hair and olive complexion.

"It's been too long! Uncle needs to give you more time to come see me," Briar complained, although her face was beaming.

"Well, I wasn't about to let him stop me from seeing you on your 10th birthday, now was I?" Caspian took her hand in his. "I skipped fencing today just to come see you."

The two began to walk the path, their hands idly swinging back and forth as they went.

"Hmm." Briar stuck her pink lips out, pouting. "How come you get to go learn to use swords and go riding while I'm stuck learning to hold cups of tea and stand straight?"

Caspian frowned in thought. "I don't know. I suppose it is a bit unfair..." He glanced down at the lithe, young girl next to him. While she was only two years younger, she looked much too young to be ten. Perhaps that was just him, still seeing her as a little girl.

"Professor Cornelius asked for you today," he said. "He sent me to come fetch you."

"Why?" she asked idly, her gaze flitting back and forth like a distracted kitten.

"He wants you to study with him today."

Briar halted in her tracks. "Study?" she exclaimed. "On my birthday? Has he gone completely mad?"

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