More Best Laid Schemes

Start from the beginning

She was right.

This song had played several times already since we'd been here.

"Someone's a tad obsessed with this song, I'd say," I replied, eyes narrowing as I noticed the lightning-quick glance Pansy and Blaise both had shot at Draco.

To be honest, I probably wouldn't have even noticed it a few months ago, and I privately congratulated myself on honing my detective skills, what with noticing a Slytherin's surreptitious glance and all.

"Ben loved this song," Pansy spoke up, eyes flicking over to Draco, who sighed. "Said it always reminded him of Draco."

"He's not here, I've already checked," he replied, eyes scanning the pub once more. "But it does seem like someone's trying to make me think of him."

He glanced down at Harry, placing a reassuring kiss on his temple, which even I thought was particularly sweet as the conversation inevitably turned to Malfoy's ex.

"Harry, love," he drawled, slinging an arm across Harry's shoulders and pulling him close. "Use your superpowers and check if anyone here is using a glamour, will you?"

"Why'd this song remind him of you?" Harry asked, looking quite at ease and not worried in the slightest about the mention of Draco's ex. I hoped it meant they'd talked through whatever had been worrying Harry when Ben had randomly appeared a few weeks ago.

"Just listen," Draco instructed as the drummer kicked in on the track, signalling the true beginning of the song. "You'll see."

Draco smirked over at Harry, winking and singing along while lifting his arms and dancing around in his seat.

"This bed is on fire with passionate love," the singer crooned.

"The neighbours complain about the noises above." 

Draco continued dancing and singing along, and even I had to snigger at the lewd look he threw at Harry, who just rolled his eyes while taking a sip from his pint.

"But she only comes when she's on top," the song continued, and Micah let out a whoop and hopped off her chair, walking around the table to grab Draco.

"Is that true, Malfoy?" I demanded jokingly as the two of them began dancing around the small open space beside us at the pub.

"Ask Harry," he replied with another smirk in Harry's direction.

Harry just flipped him off with a rather Slytherin-like smirk himself and I took a large gulp from my pint and did my usual awkward seat dance while grinning down at Hermione.

"You don't mind your darlings Draco and Micah dancing like that right in front of you?" Pansy asked, glancing from Draco and Micah to Ginny and Harry expectantly.

"Nope," Ginny replied with an emphatic shake of her head, and Harry shrugged.

"This way, I get to avoid the awkwardness of trying to dance and just watch," he explained.

"What's this about awkwardness trying to dance, Potter?" Pansy teased. "We've all seen you gyrating shamelessly on your barstool."

"Well, yeah," Harry replied, eyes still riveted on Draco, who, I had to admit, was a really bloody excellent dancer. "Anyone can grind along to any old song to catch a bloke's eye, but actual dancing? That's different."

Ah, you think you're so pretty, the singer crooned as Micah and Draco continued dancing.

Dressed me up in women's clothes

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