07 | Different From Others

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Saturday, 12:09pm.

Days had passed and Minjeong grew to like and hangs out with Jimin more often. She likes how she's not that hyper, how she notices when something's wrong, how she doesn't pressure her and makes her comfortable. The kind of feeling that she doesn't get from the Troublemakers. Jimin was kind-hearted and very considerate of other's well beings. The younger girl grew to observe the older one aswell. Though, of course, the Troublemakers noticed the strange behaviour of Minjeong. Ryujin never really cared about what her bestfriend did but she felt the urge to just give Jimin her own medicine. She feels that her bestfriend, Minjeong, is slowly getting away from her because of Jimin. This leads to a couple of arguments. Minjeong brushed it off easily which made Ryujin even more furious.

Eventually, the two made up but could never hangout like they used to without feeling the toxic atmosphere. Minjeong had also changed her style that didn't match at all with the Troublemakers. It described her more than just a girl who rebels for a living. As Jimin was getting dressed, a notification popped out of her phone.


[⭐️] < i got a new game >

< rookie B? > [💙]

[⭐️] < yeah >

< should i come over? > [💙]

[⭐️] < no stay >
< im coming over with the cd >

Usually, they'd hang out at Minjeong's apartment since Jimin liked chatting and the dishes her grandma makes for the two. But she didn't complain. She was fine with it. As the extroverted girl finished dressing up, she prepared some snacks and drinks on the table. Expecting that they'll play the game on her TV. After a few minutes of waiting, the door knocked. "Coming." Jimin stood up and walked towards the door, checking through the peephole just incase. Seeing the younger girl standing in front of her door with a CD in her hand made her smile unconsciously. Opening the door, she greeted Minjeong, "Hey. Come in." The two sat down on the sofa together. The ordinary girl had come over a few couple of times but those were just quick glances around the place or she'd get too focused on the game they'd play. Getting comfortable, the wealthy girl took the two controllers and pointed at the bottom of the TV, "Put her in."

Like she was told to, Minjeong got up and inserted the CD. She handed one of the controllers to Jimin and the two started playing the game together.


They've been playing for a while now. Chatting and eating as they watch one another play or they join a multiplayer game where they could play together. Though, the older girl had always been curious on why the younger girl was always hanging around with her but not with other people, including her clique. She didn't mind it, she was just interested to know. Jimin thought that it wouldn't hurt to ask. "How's your gang?" She asked while taking quick glances from her game. "What do you mean?" Minjeong replied as she also was focused on the screen.

"I've noticed you haven't interacted with them for a while now. Like hanging out with them and do stuff."

"Well, do you want me to?"

"No, I mean, yeah but... that's not what I..." She shakes her head to find the right words, she seemed to be stumbling over her words. "I don't care who you hang out with. Just don't do anything bad that'll lead you to jail." The taller girl explains. "Why not?" The shorter girl asked. Jimin puts down her controller when the screen popped out a message on the corner, 'KARJIMIN#8924 was brutally murdered by VDOMOR#2691'

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