2 - Caring (for once)

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I remembered this story yesterday because something similar is happening my sister now. I had woken up really early, around 5am one morning back in elementary school, when Ena didn't take night classes and wasn't chronically online. (I'm half joking, Mizuki don't try to defend your girlfriend, you simp)
I woke to what sounded like choking noises, so being the amazing human being I am, what did I do? Ignore it. I was young, ok? But it didn't stop, so I eventually went to go check what it was. The door to my sisters room was open, so I looked inside and saw her and my mom sitting on bed, Ena was so loud you'd swear she was choking on some sort of nut. Well, no, Ena doesn't like nuts, food or- Toya has advised me not to finish that sentence.

Anyway, I heard mom telling her to take the day off, which for some reason annoyed her. She said it was because she was going to start her new art project during class, but I don't know.

(Un) Fortunately she didn't or wasn't choking, she just had a bad cough and a high temperature. I got told not to bother her because she wasn't feeling well, but I knew what that really meant. "Don't go near Ena or she'll probably hit you" because lets be honest, she would 100% do that, TO THIS DAY.
So I went to school without saying a word to her. I met up with my friends and we went to play football on the school field. I got asked a lot by Ena's friends where she was, so I was left to explain what had happened to her. I did end up feeling a bit bad for her, which led me to decide on buying cheesecake on the way home, because yknow.. cheesecake.

I ended up going into the closest cafe I could find (I wasn't bothered to walk too far, I was tired) and ended up having An encounter. Notice how the "A" is capital? I said that because that was the day I had my first proper conversation with An Shiraishi. Her dad owned the cafe, Aka Weekend Garage. I stepped in and somehow she recognised me, she ran over and said "Hey! You're the other guy I saw at Rad Weekend!"
I wasn't to sure how to respond.
"Uh, yeah, it was really cool!" I said.

Before either of us could say anything else, a woman walked over and began talking to An. "My my, An, talking to boys already? You're growing up so fast!" To which An replied with; "Ew aunt Nagi, boys are nasty!!" Considering she is now dating a girl (Kohane), I'm not surprised. I'll continue that story another time though.

Eventually I got the cheesecake and made my way home. I knocked on Ena's door and heard a mumbled "what" in return. I went in and gave her the cheesecake, and that cheered her up a bit. Needless to say, I won the world's best brother award. (I forced her to buy me cheesecake one week after that)

So the morals of the story are;
• don't annoy Ena, she WILL hit you

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