Minho's heart could burst if he wasn't so overtaken by unfamiliar angst. He isn't completely sure what he's feeling, teetering on the edge of anger and sadness, accompanied by nerves that are nearly indescribable. Jisung could see right through him, though, leaving no secrets lingering between them anymore. Minho was an open book with worn and damaged pages, but Jisung was delicate in reading the scriptures, panning through page after page just because he wanted to understand Minho completely. Minho didn't hide from how he felt anymore, allowing himself to feel every beating emotion with a sore heart that had been tossed and beaten for years on end. He was healing, he knew he was, but it was only possible because Jisung was the one healing him.

"I know." Minho says softly, hands carefully wrapping around Jisung's thighs. Jisung sat a head higher than Minho, gazing down at him with a growing smile, listening to the calm quiet unfold between them. It was a comforting silence, one that Minho wishes he could relish in, knowing that what he had here was secure and loving, leaving no doubts of what he could expect to return to day after day. Jisung was his. Minho was Jisung's, too.

Jisung leans down to kiss him slowly, hands raising to cup the sides of his jaw, threading into his hair. Jisung kisses him twice, breaking away, forehead leaning against Minho's with a thumb treading across the elder's gently flushing skin. "You're gonna be late, hyung."

"It'd be worth it for you." Minho teases, earning a cute giggle from Jisung that he can't help but smile at.

"Remember what we talked about, hmm? Try to let him say his peace and only respond when he's done talking. That's the most efficient way at communicating through this without arguing. Stay calm, and he will too. You're allowed to walk away if he isn't fair."

"I know." Minho assures, squeezing Jisung's thighs gently.

"Text me when you get there." Jisung feels Minho nod with a quiet affirmative hum. "Think of yourself before me."

"Now, I can't do that–"

"I want you to." Jisung warns carefully. "This isn't about me. What he thinks about us is irrelevant. It's not going to have an effect on us, jagi. Protect your own heart for once."

"But you're my heart." Minho tries to argue, noticing Jisung's cheeks rise with flushed color. Jisung rolls his eyes, biting his tongue, taking a breath to compose himself playfully.

"You're my heart too. But that's not what I mean. You are always so hellbent on looking after me and protecting me that I don't think you're ever watching out for yourself. If something ever happened to you, I–" Jisung searches Minho's eyes, breath caught in his throat. "I don't know what I'd do. So please, for me, protect and look after yourself."

"Okay." Minho settles, leaning closer, brushing his nose against Jisung's with his eyes lulling closed. Jisung's eyes close too, quietly breathing in shared air, thumbs brushing Minho's soft skin still. The familiar and welcome quiet returns, bringing a sense of peace to settle in Minho's heart. He isn't sure why he's feeling it, or where it stems from, but he's thankful nonetheless. "I love you so much, Jisung."

Jisung smiles, biting down on his bottom lip. Minho's honesty bleeds through his tone and Jisung can't help but preen hearing the words tumble from his lips. He's heard Minho say that confession over and over again, but he never grows tired of hearing it. "I love you most, Minho."

To Minho's unfortunate surprise, he finds himself willingly leaving the apartment after kissing Jisung breathless. A few words of encouragement and laced shoes later, he's making his way outside and towards his car, finding himself thoughtless for once this month. It was the beginning of November now, leaving colder air to consume Seoul slowly, sending even more colorful leaves crashing to the pavement below. Minho wore his usual black leather jacket, stuffing his phone into his pocket before he turned into the parking garage, immediately spotting his car that rested in one of the first parking spots.

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