Starting Fresh Together

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I groan as I wake up. I turn to smack the alarm clock but was pulled back to the bed. Don't get up stay with me. Colton whispers. Colton? Babe what the hell how did you get here . I
Whisper yell. You wanted me so I came. He says kissing my neck. He rolls over on top with his breath on my neck. Good morning beautiful. Colton your gonna squish the baby. Move fatass. Did the pregnant woman call me fa- dear Lord you'll regret finishing that sentence. I interrupt. You have to leave Colton. I say. The dogs cock their heads and stare at the window and growl. I look at me then colton. Why the hell are they growling. I look out the window and louis and liam are walking into the house. Shit shit shit. Colton there here. He smiles and throws on a shirt. Let's be polite and say good morning. What the hell - no. Being at least ten times stronger than me he picks me up and walks downstairs . Good morning Liam - louis how are you all doing. Colton says. They look at me then him. He wraps his arms around my stomach with his head on my shoulder. Man back off she's pregnant with my baby . Louis say grabbing my forearm. Colton pulls me back rubbing circles in my stomach. So im guessing you haven't told them. Colton remarks . Um no. I mumble. I told you not to come down here. I say. Tell us what? Liam asked. Um I uh ugh...... she pregnant with my baby not Louis's. COLTON!!! I scream. What I was losing patients. You banged my sister dude. Liam said pretending to gag. Yeah. Is all he said in response. I hit both of them. And they look at me. What did we do? They ask in unison. Everything. I say. I look over at louis who just sat there. You alright kid? I ask. He looks up at me and shake his head. No because I thought the baby is mine and now it's Colton's. He says slowly.  Bright side you have jr Eleanor and her baby. Eleanor is a pain. He whispers. That's what you get for cheating. Um Colton we need to go get ready. I throw him his keys and kiss him good bye. So Liam are you nervous? I say. About what . He replies. You getting married in two days. He smiles and shakes his head. Were already married. This is just to make it official. So not really. Yeah we'll see about that then.

Two days later
Miracle breathe. To much stress can cause the baby to come out on your wedding day. You wouldn't want that would you. I lie. What that doesn't even make sense Paris. She says. My point exactly. Look at this as a confirmation on being married. Thanks Paris. She says. Baby girl are you ready. Miracle dad says holding out his arm. She takes it and walk out. I lace my arm with Colton as we walk out after them. I let go and get behind miracle. You ready? I whisper. She nods looking at liam. The priest goes on and on then they say thier vows and blah blah blah. Then the moment we've all been waiting for - you may kiss the bride. Everyone cheers and claps while they shove each other's tongues down their throats. Miracle hands me her flowers and I stare at her in confusion. Keep it. She says. This is for who ever will get married next. I told her. She just smiles and points to Colton. I walk over to him and kiss him. Hey. He says. He grabs my hand getting on one knee. He pulls up his pants taking out a black box.  My eyes brim with tears and all eyes are on us. Will you ? He whispers still holding my hand. I look at miracle and a big grin is spread across her face. Liam winks at me and I look back at Colton. Yes. I say and people clap around us. I love you so much Colton. I whisper while hugging him. I love you to. Liam walks over breaking us up. Hands off my sister dude. He say making us all laugh. We all freeze when miracle scream. I let of Colton to go to miracle. Tell the baby to stay in until you have this dress of. Everyone chuckles but im serious. I walk her to the back room helping her out the dress. She puts on a small sundress with flats. To the hospital. I shout.  Me and colton leave together about to meet our niece or nephew.

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