Part 1🎄

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Kehlani's House
📍Hidden Hills, CA

A piercing loud ringing came from Kehlani's left nightstand "Ughhhh fuck". Kehlani's head was still buried into her cold white cotton pillows, she knew she need to answer the phone but couldn't bring herself to move her body. She stayed up late again dealing with paper work for one of her businesses, if she was asked what time she fell asleep she could even muster up the words to even answer them.

She's been struggling with sleep for the past year after taking one of the most important roles in one of the most popular business in America. Since she hates letting people down, she is now CEO of two of the biggest companies in the country, possibly world.

The loud ringing stopped for three seconds until it didn't. She shot her head up so fast and reached  over and aggressively grabbed her phone and saw

                            M's🍃..... FaceTimeing

Then it hit her, she made sure her phone was not on silent to make sure she heard her best friend's phone call. She quickly pressed the green button.

"OHHH FUCKIN FINALLY DAMN!" Was heard loudly from her phone. Kehlani looked at her phone to see Mia's face in the camera with an annoyed expression. "Sorry I was up late again" Kehlani replied quietly, "Fuckin knew it, you need to cut that shit out dude. Ya hear me? That's fucking you up" Mia replied loudly.

"I know I know I'll fix it", Mia looked down at her phone is confusion "uhh the fuck your not, this is your third time saying that, I got you some donuts and a coffee I'll be there in five".

"Ughhh" Kehlani threw the blankets off her body and felt the cold air on her body. She rubbed her eyes and got up to go into her bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. Right when she finished she heard a text come through on her phone loudly, totally forgetting to put her phone back on silent mode.

She walked turned it on silent mode and saw Mia saying she was pulling up. She quickly replied and walked over to her bedroom door and pressed the intercom to let security know Mia is pulling up and to let her in.

She walked into her closet and put on a pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt. Right as she finished all she could hear was a loud "BITCHHHHHHHHH". Kehlani quickly laughed to herself and rolled her eyes. She walked out of her bedroom to head to her kitchen and immediately saw her best friend with a large iced coffee in her hand. "Ohhh gosh I love you" Kehlani said and hugged Mia and kissed her cheek. "Whatever, ummmm newssssss"

Kehlani's eyes widened as the words came out of Mia's mouth "fuckkkkkk no no noooo please noooooooooo!" Mia looked at her with sympathy "I'm sorryyyyyyyy". Kehlani was wanted in San Francisco for a Christmas event, it was to give out food and gifts to families in need. Kehlani absolutely loved giving back but being in San Francisco was never fun for her. Anywhere else she would literally absolutely love to go out and help, but either way she was gonna go for sure.

Mia was gonna go so it made things a lot better and easier. "Ehh whatever at least your gonna be there" Kehlani replied and shrugged her shoulders and started to walk towards the container of doughnuts on the counter. "About that......." Kehlani quickly stopped and turned her head so fast and looked at Mia in confusion.

"I'm fucking with youuuuu Kels" Mia laughed at her hurt expression on her face, "ughhh fuck youu broooo!" Mia gave her a sweet sympathy smile and she walked to the fridge to make her cold brew. "Damn it's gonna be fucking freezing there, UGHH and all those rude people that runs the events bro, I'm going to cry I can't"

When Kehlani would visit there to help out with events the people who were in charge of the whole thing were always so rude and disrespectful towards her, she had a feeling it's because of the way she was viewed on the internet but she always reminded herself that she's not in control of what others say or think of her.

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