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Then I woke up in a strange bed, but I recognized it. I sat up and saw Tom next to me, pacing around the room.

Madeline: "Tom- what-?"
I was so confused I couldnt even talk. Then I realized what happend. Fear entered my eyes already. Did he actually..? He looked at me, not smiling but with a death glare.

Madeline: "Tom. Did you..?"

Tom: "Yeah, I killed him." He says calmly.

I covered my mouth, my eyes widening.

He sat down on the edge of the bed.
Tom: "But you werent supossed to see it."

Madeline: "Im going home, right now!" I tried to stand up, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

Tom: "No. Your not."

Madeline: "Tom, let fucking go!" I said, my voice full with fear, my mind full with bad thoughts and my face expression really scared.

Tom: "Your not going anywhere. Your gonna stay here with me, understand?" He said harshly. His grip tightend on my wrists and I nodded quickly before it could get worse.

Tom: "Say you understand." He demands, his grip tightening every second.

Madeline: "I-I understand." I said, then he relaxed a bit and his grip wasnt as tight as before, but he still held me. I let him fool me. I just hated this. I wanted to get Nastja and run away.

Tom: "Good. Now we dont have any other room for you, so your stuck here with me." Great, hell. I thought.

He let go and then locked the door.

Tom: "In this house we have rules for you. First: You will do what we say or else, comes punishment." (This sounds so cringe god help me) "Second: You will not run away or we will hunt you down. Third: Your free to be in my room always, but if you wanna go somewhere else, always ask me. Not anyone else. The others cant tell you nothing."

Then he looks at me like he wants me to say something, so I did.

Madeline: "Fine." I said then looked down at my hands.

Tom: "Good, now stay here and dont go anywhere without asking me first. I'll be in my office, call me on that phone, the numbers next to it." He said then left the room.

Guess im alone now.


This is so short, but im in a hurry somewhere and I just got my period so send help😞

Those eyes...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ