Don't link—no matter what, no matter how small, don't link me with that man.

"You aren't eating, Father." Lucas insisted. "I can't be the only one eating! You were the one who taught me that."

Y/n opened his eyes slowly, staring at the ceiling. He breathed in and out slowly, his hand falling from Lucas's hair, dropping onto the floor aimlessly.

"I'm not in the mood," Y/n said lightly.

"...Are you sick?" Lucas nervously asked, "you're all pale, and shivering...what's wrong, Father?"

Y/n couldn't bear to use the hands he had used to kill somehow to touch Lucas. It was like staining the kid.

"I..." Y/n said shakily, "I just need a bit of time."

Lucas nodded his head quietly, pouting. Y/n couldn't help but smile with affection.

And then there was that matter. After the whole horrible ordeal, Y/n had crumpled to the ground, tears blurring his vision, only to find that a quest had popped up. A quest, of all things! After so many days of tormenting him, the game had decided to give him a quest.

[ Speak To Sister Helen ]

No rewards, nothing. Just a simple line. Either way, this would force him to finally step out, and it also proved that Sister Helen...well, it proved she was still alive.

"Behave, alright?" Y/n kissed his forehead. "I'll be gone for a short while."

"Again?" Lucas frowned. "Father, you are terribly busy nowadays..."

Y/n's heart ached.

For my survival. For your survival. Everything I did so far was for you to survive. If Lucas died, Y/n...Y/n would not know what to do. His one last line to whatever feelings or positive thoughts he had would dissipate. Lucas kept him sane—Lucas kept him human. Anton dehumanized him: Anton loved him in a wretched manner, but constantly tore at his humanity to reduce him to whatever he wanted. Whatever he envisioned for him to be.

After we are free, I'll bring him somewhere...

Y/n paused. After he was free? But he would never be free. He didn't have any hope, didn't he?

And if he did cross over to his other world...would he even be able to bring Lucas over?

"..." Y/n's face was fixed into a smile that felt like it was melting off his face. It wasn't a smile of joy or contentment. It felt...empty. Devoid of any life.

"I love you." Was what Y/n said quietly.

I'm sorry.

Y/n would have promised Lucas to bring him somewhere nice, somewhere relaxing after this was all over.

But the promise was fragile, and Y/n knew it.

The air outside felt heavy as Y/n stepped out. The surroundings seemed to be even more dismal before—perhaps as time went by, his perception of the outside world was slowly growing distorted. With each day that passed, the world seemed to be greyer, darker, less void of bright colors. It was like the city was crying, and Y/n could only feel the tears splatter on his cheek in the form of rain.

...Sister Helen. I've not seen her for quite a while, but if the quest is informing me to seek her, then I suppose I'll see her...


Y/n walked towards the church, inhaling in a deep, shaky breath. His memories of Sister Helen were not pleasant, not at all. She was terrifying, bitter, adamant on his downfall. But he also remembered the forum—the forum. Where she had stumbled over her words and claimed her name was Nora, when it was "Helen." Then the forum popped up with her name. If Y/n's guess was correct, then it would be one step closer.

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