-Part 2-

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Taylor's POV
It's saturday night and I'm laying on my couch with my cats. What has my life come to... I decided to call my mom for a little bit but I could tell her mind was somewhere else so I ended the call soon after. I've been switching between the kitchen and the living room for the past eight hours and I have absolutely nothing to do right now. I decided to turn on the TV and try finding something to watch. After a bit of scrolling I simply decided on Greys Anatomy because that never goes wrong. However, a couple minutes into the episode I decided to go back on my phone with the show playing in the background. I scrolled on instagram for a bit before realizing I haven't gone on tiktok in a long time. I was on the app for about an hour before I came across a clip of two guys on a podcast. That's weird, not to sound full of myself, but my fyp is usually only about me. I continued watching the video before i caught on that one of the two boys was upset about my concert but I couldn't figure out why. I watched a while longer and then he said it. He said the cutest thing i've ever heard of. This tough football player went out of his way to make ME a friendship bracelet to get my attention. I couldn't help but think about how cute it was. I went up to my room though before I decided to do anything stupid. After doing my whole routine in the bathroom, I climbed into bed but i found myself lost in my thoughts. I couldn't stop thinking about that guy, but then again I didn't even bother to catch his name so I'll probably never hear about it again. I dozed off while thinking about my own delusions.


I woke up early per usual and got myself a nice breakfast from outside because we all deserve it sometimes. When i got back inside i sat at the kitchen island scrolling on my phone until Tree called. God that woman scares me a little more than she should. I pick up knowing if i were to wait one more minute she would probably send a search team out to look for me.

"Hi Tree what's up?"

"Good morning! how are you doing on this lovely thursday morning taylor?"
That's weird whys she being so happy

"is everything okay? did someone die?"

"No no why would you say something like that. I just wanted to know how you were doing today, is that so weird?"

"Just a little bit. You usually don't call this early unless something really bad happened or something really good so which is it" I asked even though i partially could tell which one

"Have you heard of Travis Kelce?"
That definitely does not ring a bell hmmm

"No i haven't. Why what's wrong?"

"God taylor why do you always think something's wrong. I'm just wondering because he had a few things to say about you"

"Not this again. everyone always has bad stuff to say about me and i'm not gonna let it get to me. I'm far past that stage in my life and I don't need people to tear me down anymore."

"I'm proud of you taylor but he actually had good things to say"

What? that's hardly the case. I'm sure there's a catch

"What do you mean Tree? what did he say?"

"He has a podcast with his brother and apparently he went to ur concert and tried giving you a friendship bracelet! isn't that so cute?!"

Oh my god.... so he does have a name. Interesting!

"I actually saw that clip last night I thought it was precious but i didn't catch his name at the time"

"So what do you think?"

"I think he is definitely an attractive person and I could see myself with him but i don't want to get into anything serious right now. Especially not with the tour coming up and all. It's just too much to deal with I don't want the pressure of a relationship right now"

"But taylor-"

"No buts tree. Sorry but i don't think i want this right now. Thanks for letting me know though"

"Alright if you say so. But if you change ur mind promise to call me?"


We ended the call and I sat there with my head in my heads contemplating what just happened. do i want to risk it all for some fun or should I get my priorities straight. I have no idea this is so difficult for no reason.

I thought about it for a while longer before deciding to call tree back because she is always right

"Hey taylor everything okay?"

"send me his number"

"on it!"
I could hear her shriek before getting back into the professional mode even though this whole thing is far from professional

"it just sent have fun tay"

"Thanks tree and please don't tell anyone about this right now I just want to text him and see who he even is before anything happens"

"Taylor have i ever told anyone ur business before"

she's right. I don't think there's anyone else in this world that I trust more than Tree

"no but i'm just making sure. I'm gonna go but I'll call you later and let you know if anything else happens. Thanks again"

"Of course, keep me updated"

We ended the call once again and I decided to text the number

ts: Hi! I heard about a friendship bracelet and I wanted to know if I could still get it :)

tk: No way.

Enchanted To Meet You-- A Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce StoryWhere stories live. Discover now