-Part 4-

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Travis POV
Her message stared back at me in a way no message ever does. Was a crazy message? nope. but it was straight forward and i didn't know what to say.
TS: like a date?
I didn't know what to say to that. was i supposed to sound certain or am i supposed to be scared? i have no idea. i think if i want this to work i need to show her that i definitely want this with her. I took a deep breath in before clicking send.
TK: like a date.
It was short and i have no idea why i was so nervous about this message but i was. I waited for a couple seconds before deciding the best thing to do was throw my phone back in my pocket and head back home. There was way too much on my mind for me to even try getting back into the workout groove right now. I tried not getting scared but almost three hours had passed now and I got no messages from her. Was this a bad idea?

Taylors POV

After sending the "like a date" message i dropped my forehead to the palm of my hand so fast. That was the worst thing i could have ever said. He was obviously asking me out on a date so why did have to clarify. fml. I put my phone on do not disturb and went to go do some of the work ive been lacking on recently. I got comfortable in my bed and put my airpods in. I took out my computer and when i say i locked in i locked. in. I got all my work done for the week and its not even friday yet. After i finished i sighed contently knowing I didnt have anything weighing down my shoulders. wait. oh my god. i completely forgot about the stupid message i sent a couple hours ago. i sprinted out of my room and down the stairs. on the last few steps i stumbled over my feet and tumbled down the little slope. I laid there on the ground for a second before collecting my thoughts. what am i doing? should i really be talking to someone again? are we going too fast? maybe a date isnt ideal. he probably said something like "no just a hangout" anyways so i shouldnt be too worried. I dont have too much hope in guys these days. they usually only want one thing and Im not that kind of girl. I dont do one night stands and i tend to try holding on to relationships that are bound to end. I dont want to get attached to travis so i might just cancel this whole thing. After a couple minutes i realize im still on the ground so i decide to go get my phone. I see it sitting in the kitchen when i walk in and i take a couple steps before stopping. I can do this. I walk faster and grab it nonchalantly. I go through my notifications looking for only one thing. when i see his name im too scared to look a centimeter below his name to read what his message says. i finally look down and i see his response. my jaw drops. not only because he wants to go on a date, but because hes being assertive. nobody ive ever seen has been so open before. he knows what he wants and i really like that. I quickly type out a response before backspacing it again. First i like his message and then i take what felt like ages to find a response but i finally decide on sending a message.

TS: sounds fun! my apartment has a lot of construction going on outside so can we do your place?

I wait a couple minutes before hearing my phone ding. 

TK: yea we can do that

TK: are you free tomorrow 7 PM?

TS: i think i can make some time for that haha

i debate sending the next message but i send it before its too late to change my mind again. I just dont want to push him away.

TS: im gonna have to come in a car with my bodyguards and theyll probably walk me to the door but theyre just trying to help. hope thats okayy

TK: as long as i get to see you :)

TK: we should probably stay at my house so nobody takes pictures of us

I like his first message while i feel the butterflies in my stomach. nobody has ever been okay with how safe i have to be and all the caution i have to take. 

TS: yea thats definitely the best option

TS: see you tmrw!!

travis likes my message and then i put my phone down again. i continue doing some of my everyday activities but todays different. today im not focused on anything im doing, i just have my date stuck in my head. i still have to decide what i want to wear. this is crazy who am I?

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