Three || The Ceremony

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The Opening Ceremony was something which was introduced to the game precisely ten years ago. It was added to make the games more entertaining as back then hardly anyone watched. The Hunger Games didn't have much viewership back then so lots of changes were made to the games in a desperate attempt to gain popularity.

And the Hunger Games has gained popularity, just as they hoped. Everyone watches it nowadays and there is often a lot of gambling with everyone betting on their favourite tributes. And there are the people who go father, sponsoring tributes that they feel will win. I wonder if I'll get any sponsorships - I may be popular now, but who knows if they'll care for me once I'm in the arena.

My previous stylist, Kaniel, has been replaced by someone else. She looks like most of the stylists for the Hunger Games with most of her features altered by surgery. She looks unnatural. Her nose is flat and she has tattoos. She reminds me a bit of a tiger. I don't like looking at her.

'Hello,' she says, 'my name is Tigris.' She puts a hand on my shoulder and I try not to visibly flinch as she does.

'Everyone knows you,' I say, trying to speak as politely as possible and not to shove her hand off my shoulder as I very much want to, 'you're one of the most sought after stylists.'

She smiles - it looks terrifying with the tips of her lips curling up in a way which looks freaky and inhumane. I have always hated the Capitol's fashion trends and looking at her, I can't help but feel disturbed.

'Coriolanus asked that I be your stylist,' she says, 'I was originally to be the stylist for the District 1 tribute, but you are much better of a model.' I swallow, lowering my gaze to my feet so I wouldn't have to look at her.

'You know my father?' She talks about him in a way which seems too familiar.

'How could I not? He's my cousin.' He has a cousin? I thought all of his family was dead - or at least that's what he told me. 'You're as handsome as him - perhaps a bit more.'

She makes me so uncomfortable. Why did my father have to get rid of Kaniel? He was good - I liked him. He's the closest thing I had to a friend, even if he's a decade older than me.

'Anyways, your previous stylist - what's his name - Daniel has told me that you don't like having others change you or see you naked.' She shakes her head like the idea is ridiculous. 'It's stupid to be so prudish but as you are my nephew I have decided to cut you some slack so I have left you a costume in the -'

'Costume?' I don't remember there being any costumes - has another change been made?

'Yes,' says Tigris. 'The tributes are no longer dressed as they please but in a way so they represent the... flavour of their district.' She looks sharply at me. 'Can you do that? Can you represent the Capitol?'

I don't say anything because I don't. I don't want to represent the Capitol - I don't want to be in the Hunger Games. I finally understand how the District tributes must feel when they are reaped. It's ironic that I am reaped - the heir of the President of Snow, the very man responsible for the vile games.

And barely a few hours later, I am standing on my own chariot. Or at least that's what they call it - it's actually an old tank that they fashioned so it looks nicer and more decorative.

It suits my costume. I have been dressed like a soldier. Not like the Peacekeepers who have a completely different outfit, but like the Capitol men that fought against the rebellion during the Dark Days. It makes me uncomfortable to be dressed like this. To be paraded around. I didn't mind it before but now it feels... personal.

I shake my head and force myself to smile. If I smile - they will be happy. And if I want to live, I need them to be happy. While I may be at disadvantage since I'm the only Capitol tribute - I also have an advantage and that is the love and adoration of the Capitol. I have more chances of surviving since out of all of the tributes, I will probably have the most sponsors. Though that may get me targeted.

'Alexios!' It's Tigris' voice that snaps me out of my daze. She's trying to give me something. It looks like a... a gun? 'It's fake,' she tells me, 'you just need to pose with it.' Hesitantly, I take it. And because I don't trust her in the slightest, I try the trigger.

There isn't a sound. Then there's a rumble and it's not the gun which makes the noise but the tank. It's moving. That must mean the Opening Ceremony is starting and I, rather unfortunately, am first.

I am immediately blinded by lights - a thousand different cameras go off at the same time and the flashes burn my retinas. I'm fortunate my vision hasn't been permanently impaired when I open my eyes and find everyone's eyes are on me. And the next thing I know, they're all screaming. I can't even make it their words - I'm not sure if I'd want to.

I try not to look nervous as I smile, waving to them cheerfully. Then I remember Tigris' suggestion and I do as she said, mimicking shooting something. The entire crowd goes wild and I can hear some girls swooning. I don't get why but it's a good thing to know that I still have the same effect as them after being reaped.

The other chariots follow behind me. Real chariots which are drawn by four horses. The first chariot has the tributes of District 1. District 1's industry, or "flavour" as Tigris has referred to it as, is luxury items, mainly jewels and gemstones. Both of the tributes are wearing costumes which have been decorated with jewels and other precious gemstones. They look radiant. Though, their costume looks quite uncomfortable.

I don't really see the ones who came afterwards - probably because I'm ahead of them all and it's a pain to look backwards.

For another half an hour, I'm forced to stand in the tank before the Ceremony is finally over. An Avox helps me climb down the tank and I almost collapse immediately afterwards. I'm exhausted from all the parading around. My cheeks hurt because of all the smiling and I'm sweating profusely.

'Hell,' I pant, 'this is harder than usual.' I straighten up, frowning when I notice all of the tributes glaring daggers at me. It's to be expected but it doesn't make me feel any less... intimidated.

I look away, handing the fake-gun to an Avox before following another Avox, who is supposed to escort me to my room.

I don't dare look back. 

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