Part 1

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You're at the bar getting a drink when you feel someone tap your shoulder. You turn around and to your surprise it's Kameron. "Kam, hey! What are you doing here?" you ask and hug him and he hugs you back. I just flew in this morning. We have a show tomorrow remember?" - "Oh that's right!" you say. He looks at you and smiles. "How you been? Let me buy you a drink." - "I've been good. I got one coming already actually but join me?" you say. You hadn't seen him in a while. He goes to sit in the chair and almost falls over. "Oh my gosh Kam are you okay?" - "I'm fine. Just a little tipsy" he says. "A little huh? Maybe you should call it a night?" - "But you just got here" he says. "No, actually this was gonna be my last drink. I'm on my way out." - "You mean you've been here all night and we didn't see you?" - "Yes... Wait, who's we?" - "We, me, Bruno and Jessica" - "Oh, Bruno and Jess are here? Yeah I'm surprised I didn't see you guys earlier." - "Nah, they're not here anymore, they left a little bit ago" he says. "So how'd you get here?" - "With them" he says. "Wait so they left you here?" - "Yeah. They were arguing so I didn't wanna leave with them" he says. "Oh" is all you can say. The bartender brings your drink and Kam orders a round of shots. You can see he wasn't ready to go yet and now that you knew he was here alone you couldn't leave him. You decided to make it a fun night. You had a few shots with him but he just kept going. You knew you were gonna have to drive so you limited your intake. The next thing you know Kam drags you on to the dance floor and you're dancing with him. You were actually enjoying yourself. Then again Kam was a cool dude and you guys always had fun together.

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