"Lemme prepare my purse" taehyung said and stuffed his phone , wet wipes , instant stain cleaner , a bandaid, alcohol wipes, and his lipstick inside his purse

"Damn" jungkook muttered as he saw what what his boyfriend stuffed inside his purse

"One should always be ready" taehyung said and held his boyfriend's bicep

"Kiss before leaving" taehyung said and puckered his lips. Jungkook chuckled and pecked taehyung's lips multiple time before they left for the wedding

"More than the bride and groom. We look like a couple" jungkook whispered into taehyung's ear who slightly nodded his head

"I mean.. might be a forced marriage or something.." taehyung whispered to jungkook who nodded his head

"But why will she invite us so excitedly if its a forced or arrange marriage" Jungkook whispered back with a little frown

"Hmm you got a point there. Maybe they had a fight or something like that or maybe the groom is exchange" taehyung whispered in which jungkook's eyes widened

"Can be" jungkook mumbled and taehyung nodded his head

"But this party is so boring.." jungkook muttered under his breathe but taehyung heard him

"It's already been a while since we are here. Why don't we congratulate her and then leave" taehyung suggested in which jungkook quickly nodded his head

And they did what Taehyung suggested before quickly leaving the party only to see their crew leaving at the same time. They all giggled among themselves before going back to their hotel rooms. Their flight is at around 1 in the morning

Changing their clothes into some comfy one taehyung sat down to pack his bags wishlist jungkook packed his own. It took them an hour to do so before they just ordered their food and ate silently

"Once we reach seoul. Everything will go back like it was. Same busy schedule and less meetings. We won't be sleeping on the same bed. Won't be able to cuddle so much" jungkook mumbled while playing with his fingers

"We work in the same place. We will meet often and I can always stop by your studio. I live two blocks away from your penthouse , just call me and I will be there. I still bake and cook so I can bring you meals" taehyung said cupping his boyfriend's cheeks who still pouted

"Yeah but this.. I will miss this.. us being together for hours and staying in bed cuddling.." jungkook muttered with the same pout causing taehyung to chuckle

"My Han got his daddy" taehyung said confusing jungkook

"My pet cat" taehyung answered while chuckling

"Oh you have a pet?" Jungkook asked with a squeak

"Yeah. Me and my bestfriend jimin got him last month from an alley-

Taehyung abruptly stop speaking, his eyes widden as he realised that he hasn't called his bestfriend for a while now nor did he told him about him dating jungkook

"OH GOD. SHIT!!!" Taehyung screamed , eyes wide as he sprang down the bed to get his phone

"What happened?" Jungkook asked, looking at his boyfriend worriedly

"He will literally kill me" taehyung muttered while biting on his nails as he waited for the call to get picked

"Who will?" Jungkook asked, getting down from the bed

"My bestfriend-

So finally got the time to call huh?

"Its not like that jiminah. Its just that i for-

Don't give me that excuse Kim Taehyung

"Sorry chim. I am really really sorry. Forgive this paboya of yours"

Nope. I am very upset this time

"Ok tell me how can I make it up to you"

A date and bring me souvenirs from bali

"Done! Again I am so sorry chimmy. I completely forgot"

Yeah yeah now you are forgetting me to tell about you dating Jeon Jungkook. I wonder what will happen in near future

"Yaah why are being like this chimchim. Don't be naah.. please. I am sorry and it's not a big deal-

Not a big deal?! Bish you are dating The Jeon Jungkook. Do you even realise that you are dating a world renowned star? Have ever given a thought about what type of reaction will you get from his fans

"I-I.. I never thought about it chimmy... I just.. I just did what my heart said..."

Its good taebear. I am not saying that don't date him. What I am saying is be safe. He is a famous personality and there are always harsh consequences of dating such people

Just be safe tae-ah. That is all I want. Just don't listen to what the world says. Just believe in him and I hope he treats you good

"So far he has been the best"

That's good but I would really like to have a conversation with him


No tae. We are each other's only family and I am very much concerned about you

"I know chim. I am myself very much concerned about you"

I know. Now go and rest. Its already 6pm. You flight is around 1am right?

"Yeah. I will. You have your dinner too. Ok?"

Yeah yeah I will eat my dinner and give hannie his dinner as well

"Hmm.. bye"

Bye. I love you

"I love you too"

Jungkook looked at taehyung with an raised eyebrow. Taehyung sighed and explained everything with a pout

"Oh my sweetheart. You do not have to worry about it. I will always keep you safe and about your bestfriend, I can understand him. Yoongi hyung , jin hyung , joon hyung and hobi hyung are also the same when it comes to me" jungkook said, assuring taehyung about everything

Taehyung sighed and then nodded his head

"Let's go and get some nice souvenirs for your friend- oops! Bestfriend" jungkook said and taehyung just chuckled before nodding his head


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