Começar do início

You scowled at his back, wondering just how much of a 'real' officer he could be if he was working for Zero and turning a blind eye to this criminal paradise.

You peeked inside the cell for Pericolo. A toilet, sink, minifridge and shelf set into the wall. On the adjacent wall was a big-ass ugly yellow bed and nightstand. Tentatively, you stepped inside, wondering if Polpo was going to drop from the ceiling or something.

"I can't believe this," JoJo said. He looked troubled. "All of this, going on right beneath our noses. And no one does anything to stop it."

"I hate to break it to you, but there are worse things that go on," you said. "Criminals paying GA's off is probably the least of it." You might have done that yourself if you still had credits, but they'd never been a legitimate threat with your crew's Stand abilities.

JoJo was frowning off into the distance. "I never had any idea. It's not fair. It's not right. Why collect tax money for penitentiaries if this is all they're good for?"

You eyed JoJo warily. "You do realize you joined a thieving crew, right? We're not exactly scot-free either."

JoJo blinked, suddenly looking guilty. "Right. You're right. I only meant . . . no, you're right."

All of this stealing was probably messing with his morals. But then again, you didn't get into this business without being a little morally ambiguous. As long as JoJo didn't get it into his head to embark on any righteous bullshit. You were here to get the Stand Arrow for Zero, not right the many glaring faults of the galaxy.

Since it was only natural, you started snooping around as you waited for Polpo to show up. Finding nothing interesting in the nightstand, you went straight for the minifridge in the corner, opening it to find a few unnoteworthy bottles of alcohol. The shelf beside it was a little more interesting; a small holoscreen and console, and absurdly, a collection of electors set among a violin and stuffed bear. You picked up an elector, noting that it and the rest were all fully loaded.

JoJo looked on as you headed towards the bed. Always worth checking under, in your experience. You were lifting up the mustard-yellow sheets to peer beneath the frame when a voice rumbled at your back.

"Quite rude of you to go through my things, don't you think?"

You turned your head toward the cell entrance, nonplussed to find no one there still. You looked at JoJo, who raised a hesitant finger to point over your head.

"Holy shit!"

You fell back on your ass, shocked. It wasn't a big-ass bed at all but a big-ass man. To your horror, the yellow bed rose up, revealing a doughy neck. Two legs stuck out from the other end, clad in boots in matching yellow pants. You scrambled back, knocking into JoJo. The bed-man looked down shrewdly at you, his eyes a disconcerting green-black. It wasn't just that he was fat, he was flacking humongous. The longer you stared, the more you wondered how they had gotten him into this cell to begin with.

"You would be the Captain then," the bed-man said. His eyes shifted to JoJo. "And the new recruit."

"You're Polpo?" you squeaked.

"Indeed." Polpo was also wearing an ugly-ass spiky hat reminiscent of microscopic pictures of viruses. Paired with his pointy Pinnochio nose, the effect was not pleasant.

Unfortunately, you couldn't think of what to say next. You knew appearances didn't mean shit nowadays, but this had not been what you were expecting.

Your rookie came to your rescue. "Do you know who Polnareff is? Do you have the Stand Arrow he meant to protect?"

"The Stand Arrow?" Polpo made a thoughtful sound. He reached for the minifridge, pulling out a bottle of wine and a glass from the cupboard. They looked like toys in his huge hands. He poured a glass, and after both you and JoJo declined, sipped delicately from it.

KISMET ─  vento aureo.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora