power hungry Alpha

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        I just turned 18 this year and today is my mates birthday. yes I met her already and I honestly didn't care if they said if she was wolfless. my mate was Cara Heaven Moon. however my father was about to dash my dreams of my life with her.
      'son come to my office immediatly.' my father said in a mindlink.
      without replying I got dressed and went to his office and entered as soon as he said come in.
     "you wanted to see me father." I said as I sat down in a chair.
     "when we're you going to tell me that your mate was Cara Heaven Moon." He stated anger flashing in his eyes.
     "After she found out I was her mate." I replied hoping he would be happy for me.
       "no I will not have a wolfless omega as Luna of this pack so I command you to reject her." He growled hitting me with the full force of his alpha voice. "if you don't I will torture her and kill her."
       I couldn't say or do anything except to protect her I had to reject her. I know it's cruel but I couldn't bear the thought of watching my father put her through that torture.
       so knowing what I had to do I wrote her a letter and the next day I snuck to her locker at school and slipped it in her backpack.
      thankfully the first part of the day went amazingly well. then lunch came and I had prepare myself for this.
       upon entering the lunch room her scent hit me but much stronger.
'I don't want to reject her.' My wolf Jafar whimpered.
       'Neither do I but you know what my father does to the she wolves that he tortures.' I reminded him of how my father tortures woman.
        my father was a cheating basturd before my mom died but when she couldn't take the pain anymore she killed herself and he got worse. he would even take the she wolves that were willing to my mothers grave and have sex with them on her grave. not to mention he would have sex with my own sister.

*WARNING this part contains explicit sexual content read at your own risk.*


      I had just gotten home from school when I heard moaning and groaning. I recognized that it was my father having sex so I went passed his roombut I froze when I heard my older sister moaning inside. the door was cracked just enough to where I could see what they were doing.
      my sister was on top of our father pounding down on onto his cock while he thrusted up into her.
     "am I ready daddy yet am I ready for it." she moaned then he pulled her to him and began to go faster.
      "Yes baby girl I think your ready.......ha ha ugh ugh uugggghhhh......here it comes." then he suddenly stopped as he blew his load into her. she got off him panting and smiling.
        "can I have more of your amazing cum?" She asked shyly.
       "Yes sweaty but we have to go somewhere and do it there." He replied chuckling. I quickly went to my room when they came out. I cracked my door and watched them leave. after a few minutes I followed their tracks to mothers grave. I hid in the bushes and watched them.
       she pulled down his pants and pulled out his hard cock. she then got on her knees and engulfed his cock into her mouth and began to suck and lick it making him groan.
       "see Amy your daughter has even learned to suck a cock better than you ever could......fuck yeah baby girl suck my cock....that's it yeah.....shit I'm almost ready to blow.....here it comes baby you need to swallow it all.." he groaned and held her head still as he blew his load and she swallowed it all.
         he pulled out and she layed down on her back and spread her legs wide. I didn't stay for what came next because I knew what was going to happen. a minute later I was back in my room and tried to sleep but the images of them having sex was burned into my mind.
         I don't know when I feel asleep but I woke up to the sun shinning through my curtains.

flash back end

         we were in the lunch room and eventhough i didn't want to i knew i had to. so masking the love and lust i was feeling for our mate with an anger and hate that i felt towards my father at this moment.
         "hey everyone attention please." I began and everyone stopped eating and looked at us. "the moon goddess gave me Cara Heaven Moon a wolfless murdering slave as a mate."
          I had to mask the guilt of what i said because i knew she wasn't wolfless because i was there when her and her mother was attacked by rouges. i saw her shift a second time and slaughter the rouges and buiry them nearby. then i saw her shift back and sit next to her mom wailing. i was 8 years old at the time and i new that if i was to tell them about her shifting i feared that they may harm her. you see at even 8 years old i had a deep crush on her. so leaving the part were she shifted for the first time and then a second time and killing the rouges i ran and got the gem stone pack alpha and others then i ran home. i never knew that they blamed her until later when i heard that they made her an omega because she killed her mother.
       "WHAT!!!!" i heard a screech coming from the door and i looked and sure enough it was my so called girlfriend Christina. she was pissed. i took a deep breath and ignored everyone else.
      "I will never accept someone as weak as you so I Victor Heart soon to be Alpha of the Gold Moon Pack Reject you Cara Heaven Moon as my mate and Luna." i said with a fake smile. it surprised me when she smiled and started to laugh.
        "how dare you laugh and disrespect an Alpha!" Christina screamed walking towards walking towards Cara. She raised her hand to slap her and i was just about to move but i stopped and froze. i saw her sisters jaw drop when she caught her hand in mid air. i knew what it meant. her wolf had taken over.
       "You know my human and i used to look up to you. In fact we wanted to be you some day but not anymore....oh and if you want to know what really happened to the rouges that killed our mother, i killed them by ripping them to peices and buried them in the trees by where she died." her wolf growled at her as a tear slipped down her face. then after i saw that she regained control and she turned and ran to the forest edge. she suddenly stopped and turned to see our shocked faces. she looked at me dead in the eyes and my heart shattered completely for i knew what was coming next.
        "oh by the way I Cara Heaven Moon the daughter of the current moon goddess Diameira and future queen of the supernaturals and the next moon goddess accept Victor Heart's rejection." she spat as i saw the tears in her eyes.....wait what did she mean daughter of the current moon goddess. i didnt have time to hash it over cause the last thing i heard before i blacked out was everyone gasp as she shifted into her white wolf and take off.
       i woke up in a feild of flowers and in the center i saw her standing there. it was the moon goddess. i instantly was afraid because i remembered what my mate said. she looked at me and i knew she was mad.
     "I maybe mad at you for rejecting my baby girl but i have seen why you did so i understand. now get that alpha as of yours over here so we can chat properly. i gulped and did as she told me too feeling some relief that she understood. "now first thing is that your mate bond is not broken but just temporarly disconnected until she returns with her other mates."
       "wait hold on back up...mates as in im not her only mate?" i asked forgeting that i was afraid in the first place.
       "yes the first one is you, the second one is the Lycan Werewolf Alpha King, the third is vampire dragon prince, and the last is the werecat alpha king." she stated rolling her eyes a little annoyed at me. "she will return to you and your bond will be reconnected. Mating with you and her other mates is essential to the process of her assention to being the supernatural queen. "
     "process?" I asked a little confused.
      "Well that is where things get a little complicated because you have to mark the other male mates, but alas our time is up." She said and then before I could say anything it all went black again and I woke up to see two angry twins.
        "what in the hell happened?" growled Christian helping me up.
         "Well it's a long story." I began until I saw a warrior from my pack stumble to us. "one best saved for later."
          I walked over to him and helped him sit down.
         "please forgive me Alpha but I was injured on my way here." He said as some one fetched the pack doctor.
              "tell me warrior Sam what happened?" I asked him as we helped him walk to a bench.
               "Alpha we as well as the gem stone pack are being attacked by rouges." He said shocking us. "we tried to mind link your father but he refused to answer. please we have lost so many including.....including my mate."
           I was furious. it's one thing to make me reject my mate but it's another to just abandon your pack when they need you the most. fucking ass is probably fucking my sister right now.
          "sorry guys but Cara will have to wait our packs need us." I said and they nodded. we head straight where our pack boarders connected in the north east.
           when we got there the scene was a mess. there were maybe twenty rouges attacking still. I began fighting the largest one but a few minutes later I was pinned.
          suddenly I wasn't cause the next thing I knew he was knocked off with his head removed. then within about 3 minutes the rest were dead to and there stood my mate. she was panting and taking deep breathes until I heard her sister's voice.
           "so it was true you did kill the rouges that killed mom and the reason that you didn't have a scratch on you was that you were too fast." Christina said shocked and guilt laced in her voice.
            "wait then how come we were able to hurt you and you never faught back?" Christopher asked looking confused. she sighed and what she said next shocked us all.
           "Your family" she said still in her wolf form. then without another word she turned and ran. we watched her disappear into the woods as we stood there frozen in place.
            I got up and the next thing that i knew was my head turned to the side. i looked up and saw Tina (Christina). she had just smacked me. oddly i wasnt mad.
           "If you knew all along what happened then and that she had her wolf why didnt you say anything and why did you reject her if you loved her so much?!" she all but screamed.
            "I was 8 at the time and you have no idea what kind of man my father is. as far as the rejection goes i didnt want to but my father threatened to torture and kill her if i didn't." i said lowering my head. "Believe me if she ever returns back no matter what i will accept her even if i have to kill my father to do it."
          then i turned and went home but first i stopped at my mothers grave. i froze in the bushes when i heard my father's voice. He was talking to some one. it sounded like a womans voice. I slowly and quietly moved closer to hear what they were saying.
           "Ok Alpha im hear so what do you want and make it quick i have clients to tend to." the woman stated.
            "Everthing is set i just need to capture. Cara so that i can make her to my slave and make her have my pups." he said happily. "what i need from you is a way to take over the other packs."
         "I have already told you to mate your son to their daughters but as i recall from what i heard your son is Cara's mate." she said slightly annoyed.
           "not anymore. the idiot rejected her as i told him to. i threatened her life and he did it but what he didnt know was i was never going to kill her." he stated smiling. "furthermore he will mate with Christina no matter what."
            in that moment i knew i had to keep her safe and get stronger. the only way i was going to keep her safe was by getting stronger and challenging him for the Alphaship.
           "what will you do after he takes over and mates her?" She said slightly smiling. "your son may not actually mate and Mark her unless you plan to use that."
         "that is also where you come in." He said smirking.
           "Well if I do this I will need payment and you know I only do stuff for sex and money." She said smiling.
           "How about both?" He asked her. I knew what they were going to do so I slowly walked away.
            I know Cara will have more than me as her mate but I will not share her with that monster I call father. if he wanted my mate for himself he would have to kill me first.
           I didn't realize that I was going to my room until I was outside my door. I opened it and walked in. the more I thought about the more I began to realize. he knew who and what my mate was from the very beginning.
          'that son of a bitch knew from the beginning.' Jafar said angrly. then suddenly a question hit me.
           'do you think he could have been aprt of the attack on the moon goddess and her mate?' I asked him.
              'If he was father or not I will tear him apart.' he growled.
          'we will regardless bit right now we need to get stronger. as we are right now we don't stand a chance against him.' I said balling my hand into a fist.
          'I agree but don't forget what the moon goddess said. she will have more than us as mates.' Jafar whimpered in my head. he missed her already.
           'I haven't forgotten and I will gladly share with them but I will not with him.' I said the last part with as much hate as I could muster.
           he nodded and retreated. from then on I began training more than before. I will get stronger, I will fight him, I will defeat him, and if I have to to keep my Cara safe I will kill him.

3 months later......


         It's been three months since my mate left. i would like to say i was doing ok, but im not. i miss her a lot. As memories filled my head of my mate as i sat there at the pack tavern. suddenly, i was joined by his father, and he had 2 drinks in his hands.
          "Im sorry, son, but it was for the best if she was gone. Cara was weak, and she had no wolf. She would have made a terrible luna. besides here, take the drink and let loose a little, " he said, smiling. Boy, i hated that man, but i took the drink and drank it down in one gulp. that was the last thing i remember.
              The next morning, i woke up naked. i began to try and think what happened until i froze when someone stired next to me. i looked over, and my heart sank. i was lying next to Tina, who was also naked.
           "What the hell, where the hell am i." she said groggy as she sat up. Her eyes went wide when she realized i was there. "No, no, no, this can't be happening.....what the hell is going on......wait, did you drug me so that you could try and mate with me?"
             "I did not nor will I ever drug a woman just so that I could sleep with her, and further more we were both drugged." I said, growling at her accusation. Then I remembered something from a while ago. My father had conspired against my mate, me, and both our packs. Not to mention, he forced me to reject my perfect mate.
         "Why that little weasel!" Tina exclaimed suddenly, pulling me out of my thoughts. "If he did this just so he could go back to his slut I'm rejecting his ass."
     "Your mate drugged you?" I asked her confused. "Who is he anyway?"
     "He is the oldest son of the alpha of the Dark Knight pack." She said as she immediatly got up and dressed as I did the same. "His name is Mason Knight and he is a serious man whore and not a night goes by that I want to cry myself to sleep from the pain and misery he causes me when he fucks that she devil that used to be my best friend."
      "Carmen Westfield?" I asked recalling her name. "I heard she is now best friends with Tracy the sister of the werecat alpha king Leo."
       Then I froze. Holy shit we need to get help from the new supernatural queen now cause we are about to be in deep shit. I don't know why it hadn't accured to me before now.
       "Vik is everything ok?" Tina asked me sensing something was wrong.
      "No everything is very far from ok." I said looking at her. "I need to warn your brothers and warn the lycan king, werecat king, vampire king and the supernatural queen."
      "OK but what has that got to do with Carmen and Tracy?" She asked as we walked out of her house getting into my car and headed straight for the Gem stone packhouse.
      "If Carmen helps her BFF Tracy that means my father may have an advantage." I said as I pulled into the parking space that was just for me.
      "OK this maybe my blondeness getting the better of me but I am still confused." Tina said as we got out and walked in. I headed straight for the alphas office. When we got there we knocked and the voice of the Alpha said to come in.
       "Alpha Stone can you please tell Christian and Christopher to come here, I have something urgent to discuss with ALL of you." I said waisting no time.
       he nodded his head and his eyes clouded over. Within a few minutes, they were all here in the office.
      "OK what is he doing here and what is going on father?" Christopher asked glaring at me. They were still upset at me because of what happened with their sister and me.
       "I am here to warn you about my father." I said sighing. They had every right to be mad at me. In fact I wouldn't blame them if they killed me right here and now. "First I never wanted nor intended to reject Cara at all but my father alpha ordered me to or else he would torture and kill her."
       "Then why didnt you tell us we could helped you?" Christian asked trying to stay calm.
       "I was already risking the lives of my pack I wasn't going to risk the lives of your pack as well." I said sighing and sitting down. "Thats not all though."
      "What do you mean that's not all." Christopher asked confused. Then I told my story from before my mother's death till now. Including the part where Tina and I were drugged and woke this morning in the same bed naked. "Wait then why haven't you challenged you father for alphaship?"
      "Well since...she left I have been training like crazy but I'm still not strong enough to not only beat but kill him." I replied looking at alpha Stone who was deep in thought.
      "Not yet but you will be as soon as we mate." A female voice that I thought I would never hear again said. I whipped my head towards the door and there she stood. She had come back my mate...Cara.

From Omega to Supernatural Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें